Ten Things Holding Back Tech
David Meyer,
ZD Net UK,
Nov 28, 2007
Good list, but the author should have stopped at eight. The first eight reasons make sense, the ninth is a stretch and the tenth is a waste of ink. Barriers like monopolies, lock-in, national interest, and even things like battery life, make sense. Web 2.0 is not a barrier, in my mind, but points to a barrier the author does not mention: applications. People will use technology if it helps them, if it makes their lives better - and, mostly, spreadsheets and word processors and online banner ads don't. But social networks, online videos, web radio and the like - these are things that help people in their daily lives. As for the idea that the 'lack of war' is a barrier - perhaps the author could opine about the technological leap forward we might have experienced had the $600 or so billion spent on the Iraq war had been invested in education. Boggles the mind. Via Tom Hoffman.
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