Greg Ritter,
Feb 22, 2006
As Scott Leslie informs us, Blackboard's Greg Ritter (and others at Blackboard) has picked up his blogging quill again. Why? Maybe this, from the most recent post: "We put out a poll for Bb clients on the topic they were most interested in discussing during our Bb World '06 Birds of a Feather sessions. The most popular session, hands down, was 'Blogs, Podcasting, RSS and Wiki' according to the votes. It prompted me to ask: What's the big deal with blogs, etc...? How are they important to e-learning?" Update: Greg Ritter writes, "Thanks for the call out, but you should note that Educate/Innovate isn't a Greg Ritter blog, it's a Blackboard blog being written and managed by a team of people at Blackboard. I just happen to be one of the team. In fact, the post you referenced in the above link wasn't written by me, but by my colleague, Adrian Alleyne."
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