Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ North Korea and South Australia Agree on Censorship: Web 2 Banned

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community
The only consolation - if there is any - is that North Korea and South Australia are by no means alone in their dislike for new web technologies. Still. Leigh Blackall comments, "Some might say, 'take it to the media Bill, blow the lid off it' - but from what I've seen and heard on the mainstream media toilet papers, teleblindness and radio monotony, they're buying into the fear frenzy and are not interested in representing a range of views on Internet censorship in schools." Perhaps if we set a better example, we wouldn't be so worried. Related: Judy Breck comments, "What scares me is there is not the least hesitation in the article to assume educators must approve what students study. That notion does not teach information literacy âx" it empowers censorship. We need to be careful here." Hear, hear.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Feb 07, 2025 09:58 a.m.

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