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Information about one of the authors cited in the OLDaily newsletter
Open Monologue
Attempting to format feed but no record ID provided.StigmergicWeb
The EdTech Posse
EdTech Posse
The Obligatory Edupunk Post
A Guide for the Overwhelmed, Part 2 - It'S a River, Not a Reservoir
Just Another Ant
Weblog Communities - AMTEC 2005 presentation
Presentation - DIY eLearning systems
Talking with Stephen Downes about online learning and Web 2.0
EdTech Posse Podcast #009 - Breakfast chat at SACE with Stephen Downes (part 1)
EdTech Posse Podcast #010 - Breakfast Chat from SACE with Rob, Dean and Stephen
EdTech Posse Podcast #011 - Breakfast Chat with Stephen Downes, part 3 of 4
EdTech Posse Podcast #012 - The Last Remains of Our Breakfast Chat at SACE
Building a School Website One Blog at a Time
New Edublog - The Illuminated Dragon - and Some Good Questions
Read-Blend-Write Web
No Webmail For You!
Open Thinking is Open
Creativity Is the New Technology
Teaching Taxonomy in the Age of Wikipedia
The Origins of BSOS - Bright Shiny Object Syndrome
Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada