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AI companies have all kinds of arguments against paying for copyrighted content
Wes Davis, The Verge, 2023/11/08


One of my key arguments for the ethics of open access is based on the idea that humans don't get their ideas from nothingness, and that they're in fact based on a wide range of sources that teach them everything from the language they're writing to the concepts they using to the background for the idea itself. I make that argument here. A very similar argument is now being made by technology companies who want to be able to use all the content that's out there to train their AIs. And I agree with that part of the argument. What the AI does is really no different from what we do when we read and watch all that stuff through our lifetime to earn an education. Where we come into conflict is when these same AI companies want to commercialize and copyright the output. And here I agree with the courts that have said AI-generated content should not be copyrightable. There may be something original in there, but it is such a small fraction of the overall output that slapping a copyright on that output is essentially theft from the commons from which this output was originally derived. But that means that people opposing copyright for AI-generated content can't be copyright maximalists.

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With Postmarks, social bookmarking is back -- but this time it's built on the fediverse | TechCrunch
Connie Loizos, TechCrunch, 2023/11/08


I actually sent out a post the other day looking for something like this. It would be nice to have a fediverse version of a common bookmarking tool. But the drawback to this one (to my mind) is that it is hosted on Glitch, which is essentially a web hosting platform. In theory, Postmarks can be run on your own Node website, but the documentation here is minimal (saying, and I quote, "run npm run start via whatever mechanism you choose to use to host this website"). Maybe I could figure it out, but with development so biased toward a specific commercial platform, the software feels too risky to me.

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Google Promises Its Christmas Game Doesn't Use Kids to Train AI
Thomas Germain, Gizmodo, 2023/11/08


According to this article, "A Santa-themed game from Google's workshop said kids' data would shape AI. The company insists that's not actually happening and it will add updates." The game has players draw pictures on a whiteboard while a bot named 'Tensor' tries to guess what they are. As Tara Calishain says, "When your reputation is so dented  you can't make a joke on your Christmas-themed kid's site without people giving you endless side-eye."

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CC Responds to the United States Copyright Office Notice of Inquiry on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence
Creative Commons, 2023/11/08

Creative Commons can be relied upon to take a generally pro-ownership and libertarian stance regarding rules and regulation, and its reponse to questions from the US Copyright Office are no exception. Quoted:


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