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Announcing Dancer2 1.0.0
Jason A. Crome, blogs.perl.org, 2023/10/17


I know most people aren't interested in this but in my world this is big news: the release of version 1.0 of Perl Dancer2. It's definitely on my list of things to play with, and could help me tame (a bit) the monster gRSShopper has become (or just make a bunch of smaller apps to help me do specific things). I've been working with Perl since, I don't know, the early 90s, and while there are more fashionable things (like Javascript, which I also use a lot) nothing to me beats solid reliable Perl. (p.s. Bitcoin::Crypto version 2.000 has also just been released.)

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Living in a data sovereign world
Sandipan Sarkar, IBM Blog, 2023/10/17


According to this article, "Digital sovereignty is presumed to resolve multifaceted problems with respect to individual rights and freedom, political and legal enforceability at a local, regional and national level within a fair competitive market." It encompasses three sub-sovereignties (quoted):

All good, except for one thing. The language in this article unflinchingly assigns these types of sovereignty to organizations, not individuals. But it is individual sovereignty that is at stake here.

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AI Toolkit for Educators
Stella Lee, EIT InnoEnergy teachers, 2023/10/17


This document (21 page PDF) delivers exactly what the title promises. It was created and distributed along with the launch of a new LinkedIn group, AI for Teachers. I would have wanted to see it as something that could be collaboratively edited, but LinkedIn doesn't roll that way (it feels like a mismatch; LinkedIn's vibe is more like epsilon theory: "found a startup born to be sold — and exit before it exits you"). Anyhow, the Toolkit covers topics like AI applications in education, issues and limitations, and developing AI literacy. Via Inge de Waard.

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Jason Kottke, kottke.org, 2023/10/17


I'll just copy this short untitled post from Kottke in its entirety: On Luddites, the rebellion against Big Tech, human rights, and the AI threat: "Robots aren't coming for your job; bosses are." Ted Chiang: "Most fears about A.I. are best understood as fears about capitalism." I think both statements are true, and this informs my perspective on the ethics and use of AI in education.

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