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Validation and Validity: Self-Efficacy, Metacognition, and Knowledge-and-Appraisal Personality Architecture (KAPA)
Laura Ritchie, Benjamin T. Sharpe, Psychology, 2022/10/03


This article "aims to address the validity of three psychological instruments: 1) Self-efficacy for Performing (SEP); 2) Metacognitive Thinking Questionnaire (MTQ); 3) Knowledge-and-Appraisals Personality Architecture (KAPA)." Validity refers to the reliability or precision of survey instruments and the "degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores for proposed uses of tests." Validation determines whether the surveys can be used as predictive instruments. But these instruments need to be evaluated in the specific context in which they are being used, taking into account "reciprocity between personal, behavioural, and environmental components found in everyday life."

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A Search Tool For Serendipity
Medium, 2022/10/03


I think there's a difference between random and serendipity that's probably worth exploring at some point. or now this article blends the two by recommending LOC Serendipity to find random books, music, radio plays and more (I went straight to the 4,000 radio dramas to listen to some old favourites). The Clive Thompson article is on Medium, which is threatening me with a paywall, but LOC is paywall-free.

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The Secrets of Professional Listeners
Tom Barrett, 2022/10/03


This is a pretty good article about how to listen and actually understand the other person's point of view. It's a combination of, first, ways to learn about their hopes, wants and needs, and second, to avoid inserting one's own hopes, wants and needs in their place. The best tip (if it can be called that) is to resist the urge to talk about ourselves when listening to others. I know I can be guilty of that; it's so tempting to say "I know how you feel" or "that happened to me too".

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It’s time to modernize workplace development programs
Jason Mundy, Chief Learning Officer, 2022/10/03


A lot has been made recently of the relationship between the Great Resignation or Quiet Quitting and workforce training and development. This article is a case in point. "People are leaving jobs in hopes of upskilling or reskilling for new opportunities," writes Jason Mundy. "Yet, employers still aren't delivering to their own detriment." Maybe, but I think people are mostly fleeing low pay and hostile work environments. Offering training programs won't make up for these.

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Design for Learning: Principles, Processes, and Praxis
Jason K. McDonald, Richard E. West, EdTech Books, 2022/10/03


This open access book came out last year but I didn't get around to reading it until today. It's part of a series from EdTech Books. The structure of the book (434 page PDF) is captured in the title. The first part focuses on the design practice itself, while the second part underpins that practice in theory. It makes an excellent introductory text, covering a lot of ground, but in limited depth. The book's 36 chapters, each written by different authors, are short (10-15 pages) overviews of their topics. The presentation of often visual, using diagrams and tables, and many chapters have application exercises.

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