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Creativity Made Easy: How Your Students Can Practice the Skill for the 21st-Century
Esther Wojcicki, Getting Smart, 2021/10/14


This post is smarter than the headline makes it sound, at least after you get through the first few paragraphs. It eventually introduces Tract.app. The goal is to improve the creative confidence of kids, help them believe in themselves, give them an opportunity to try something new, and have fun." The idea isn't original - "project-based learning meets new media creation" - but I think there's something to the idea that creativity is aided by the belief that one can create and that the results are worthwhile.

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Ludwik Fleck and "thought styles" in science
Daniel Little, Understanding Society, 2021/10/14


This post offers fascinating insight into the thought of Ludwik Fleck (for example: "There are no "objective facts"; rather, facts are defined by the terms and constructs of the 'thought collective'"). But equally important is this observation: "here are always important perspectives on a given philosophical topic that have fallen outside the mainstream and may be forever forgotten."

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The essential human element of AI in education
Eric Wang, eCampus News, 2021/10/14


This might be one of those paid-placement articles. It's not identified as such, but it's authored by a TurnInIn executive. Either way, it's a decent read based on interviews with a few people working in learning and technology. Each person identifies an upside of AI, but - as the title suggests - each flags a shortcoming that has to be addressed by keeping humans in the loop. That makes it a bit formulaic, as though people are trying hard to say the right thing. Still a good read, though.

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]

Platinum Picks for 2021
Craig Weiss, 2021/10/14


This is a list of LMSs selected as 'platinum' by the author. What I like is that it looks at corporate LMSs and takes an international perspective. The choices are listed with a short commentary and link.

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]

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