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Educational Technology and Education Conferences for December 2019 to June 2020, Edition #42
Clayton R. Wright, 2019/11/07

Clayton R. Wright has distributed the latest edition of his excellent list of Education and Educational Technology conferences. He writes, "One of my goals is to help those seeking their own learning path. There are countless professional development opportunities - an event for every professional interest. Further, one does not have to attend a conference to benefit from it. Looking at several conference sites, one can find up-to-date information, see trends, find contacts that may help with a current project, or be inspired to launch a similar event locally."

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eUCM Development Community
GitHub, 2019/11/07


This is a set of resources used to support serious game learning analytcs (GLA) and accompanies the talk at CELDA I summarized in my blog. uAdventure is a serious game editor for Unity. RAGE is an xAPI-based Analytics Environment. Beaconing is an analytics webhook for RAGE. Simva is a tool for validating serious games.

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The Jigsaw lassroom
Elliot Aronson, 2019/11/07


From a presentation here at CELDA in Cagliari. I've used the Jigsaw method myself without knowing it was called that (for my 'designing a PLE' workshops). Basically the idea is you have 'expert' groups that focus on a certain topic area, made up of members from groups from different disciplines. "The jigsaw classroom is a research-based cooperative learning technique invented and developed in the early 1970s by Elliot Aronson and his students at the University of Texas and the University of California. Since 1971, thousands of classrooms have used jigsaw with great success."

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Your Interview With AI
Lilah Burke, Inside Higher Ed, 2019/11/07


People have been sceptical of my claim in recent years that artificial intelligence will replace the need for degrees, badges and other credentials. Here's an example of the concept at work. "Miguel Santiago (is looking for a job)... In at least six of his interviews, he's been questioned by a computer and not a live person. 'They’ve basically replaced the first round with the HireVue,' he said, referring to the video and artificial intelligence platform increasingly being used by employers for job interviews."

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Copyright 2019 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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