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Taylor & Francis researcher survey 2019
Taylor & Francis, 2019/10/29


I'm not sure how much I would trust a research report (24 page PDF) from Taylor & Francis on "researchers’ views on the present and future of scholarly communication," because in my experience their articles are the most closed and difficult to access. Still, maybe they're listening to results that say things like "88% of researchers agree or strongly agree that there is value in anyone being able to access their work" and "researchers’ least preferred publishing license is CC BY, the Creative Commons Attribution License. The publishing license with the highest number of first preferences is CC BY-NC-ND." But there's also a lot of massaging of the message (eg. "availability of open options is less important than other factors") and a narrow sample ("authors who had articles published in Taylor & Francis journals") which suggests that they're not yet ready to embrace open access.

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Self-organised learning: Empowering the most marginalised schools of rural Greece?
Lydia Lymperis, Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching, 2019/10/29


This study (8 page PDF) reports on Self-Organised Learning Environments (SOLE) as deployed as an alternative pedagogical approach to English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in disadvantaged schools in Greece. Though quantified data of learning outcomes is not yet available, the authors report on early qualitative data collected from interviews. "Recordings of the first six sessions of the programme suggest a gradual shift away from patterns of teacher dependency towards a greater degree of preparedness on the part of the learners."

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The tagline: "Create an app from a Google Sheet in five minutes, for free. Glide turns spreadsheets into beautiful, easy-to-use apps." It does what it promises. You'll use Google Sheets for your data, and Glide will build the interface that allows you to load and manipulate data from your smart phone. There are 'Pro Components' you can buy for your app, including file upload, buy button, and geolocation. Here are sample Glide apps and video instructions (you'll need to log in with your Google ID). Here's an example, via Doug Belshaw, of a Glide-created app listing design patterns for decentralization.

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ODRL Editors and Licenses…
W3C, 2019/10/29


As the title suggests, this is a page with links to four tools to create Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) licenses. The page is on the W3C Community and Business Groups (CGBG) website.

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Copyright 2019 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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