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The Backlash Against Personalized Learning
National Education Policy Center, 2018/12/11


This is an archive copy of the NEPC newsletter summarizing recent negative reactions against personalized learning. There are several concerns: software glitches, concerns about data privacy, and lessons that are easy to game and trick. The bulk of the newsletter refers to a policy brief written in 2014 by Noel Enyedy which argues that personalized learning simply transfers the flaws of traditional learning to the individual level.

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Mistletoe Offline
Jeremy Keith, 24 ways to impress your friends, 2018/12/11


The title makes no sense but the article is definitely worth a read. It is about service workers. These are "technology that you can inject into a visitor’s device from your website. Once it’s installed, it can intercept any requests made to your domain." The case described in the article is one where the service worker handles the request when the website is offline (or when the website user is offline). A service worker is what makes progressive web apps work. The article offers examples and code for some service workers.

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]

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