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by Stephen Downes
Mar 02, 2016

Connectivism in Learning Activity Design: Implications for Pedagogically-Based Technology Adoption in African Higher Education Contexts
Rita Ndagire Kizito, The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL), 2016/03/02


This is a "reflection on the process of designing learning activities that employ blogging in an experimental training intervention provides a unique context in which to try and infuse connectivist principles while outlining the challenges that surface." How does connectivism inform the work in this context? "The linkages between African-based technology adoption models to connectivism present very fundamental issues about design, the models that can be used, and what one should be aware of during the design and delivery processes."

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Helping mainstream collaborative teaching and learning through the new CO-LAB project
Collaborative Education Lab, 2016/03/02


From the website: "CO-LAB is a new project launched in January 2016 which gives practitioners and policy makers the opportunity to experiment and better understand what Collaborative Teaching and Learning (CTL) means in policy and practice. The project aims to train teacher trainers, student teachers and teachers across Europe in how to integrate CTL into the 21st century classroom through a MOOC which will be open to all and available online in October 2016 on the European Schoolnet Academy." As an aside: this site has the longest URLs I've seen in a while.

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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