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August 25, 2011

Leigh Blackall, Weblog, August 25, 2011.

The Australian Flexible Learning Framework's Learning Object Repository Network (LORN) is being decommissioned. Leigh Blackall has details.

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The Right Tool
Doug Peterson, doug – off the record, August 25, 2011.

Doug Peterson talks about "the blogging tool that I’ve settled upon.  I think that it’s ironic that, for all of my talk about taking it to the web, that I’ve settled for an application to help me blog.  That application is Qumana as you’ll notice in the bottom right of most of my posts. It’s available for free for Macintosh, Windows, and Linux so those are four of my major requirements." I haven't tried it but it looks useful.

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How Google+ will succeed and why you’ll use it whether you want to or not
Tom Anderson, The Next Web, August 25, 2011.

I questioned whether Google+ is over and drew a slew of comments, including one pointing me to this article by MySpace founder Tom Anderson on why Google+ will succeed. "unlike a private-oriented social network (Facebook), a public network like G+ (with its Twitter side) doesn’t require that your friends join for it to be useful and engaging."

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Why are we giving up on Software for Education?
Michael Staton, Higher Ed Live, August 24, 2011.

Interesting rant. "I will make a direct attack: because Higher Ed Journalists (yes, even at Inside Higher Ed and especially at the Chronicle of Higher Education) refuse to cover vendors with same love and adoration they have for consumer products, software companies that could be built to solve real and deep problems in education will never get their fair shot at becoming a real company." Well, if you're depending on these two agencies to promote your company, you're in trouble. And on the other hand - I've seen probably hundreds of educational software products over the years, and I would be willing to recommend only a handful - so many of them are little more than digital reworkings of traditional academic products. Or are commercial versions of products that should really be open content or open source software.

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Social content curation – a shift from the traditional
Judy O'Connell, Heyjude, August 24, 2011.

One way to talk about the use of social content in learning is to talk of content 'curation'. I'm not really big on the idea, because it treats content as artifacts to be appraised, preserved, or accessed. I prefer to think of them as things you use, mix and transform. That said, Judy O'Connell provides us with a detailed look at social content curation, providing several 'levels' of curation activities. She writes, "Social content curation is about collecting, organising and sharing information – in a new package... I’m interested to see how (what I call) the third level curation evolves. I like the idea of socially connected ways of publishing ‘what’s new’ and ‘what’s newsworthy’ as an ‘aside’ to my ‘go-to’ information repository such as my social bookmarks."

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Books, Learning Object Repositories]

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