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Your Instant Decentralized Learning Community
Stephen Downes, Mar 07, 2021, INTED, Online, via Zoom

In this hands-on interactive session Stephen Downes will lead participants as they create a distributed online community, thus modeling a practice that can be used for any class or learning group. It is desirable though not mandatory to take part in the activities in this session. Participants will learn how to use their own website or blog to keep connected with the community using content syndication and to connect them with social media sites. Downes will talk about the dynamics of distributed online conversations, demonstrating with examples how these can combine digital learning with individual agency, as well as providing links to people and resources beyond individual courses and platforms.

[Link] [Slides]

Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic
Stephen Downes, Mar 07, 2021,

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Copyright 2021 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.