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Philosophical Foundations of Connectivism
Stephen Downes, Oct 16, 2019, Class presentation, PACE University, New York City, online via Blue Jeans Network

Discussion in Gerald Ardito's philosophy of education class. Overview of basic principles underlying connectivism, including a discussion of perception, cognition, language and representation, truth and meaning. OIutcomes include a definition of knowledge, an account of how learning works (and what learning is), and implications for education. Notes for the lecture were compiled here.


The Nature of Moral Motivation
Patricia S. Churchland, Edge, 2019/10/16


This is a longish and breezy discussion from Patricia Smith Churchland, one of the foremost thinkers on neurophilosophy in our time. There's not so much discussion of moral motivation as you might expect, but it doesn't matter. She talks about her influences and the factors that led her down the path she eventually followed. Great stuff. "We can see the old guard is still doing good old-fashioned word-meaning analysis. The younger people are interested in the overlap. They want to know how neuroscience is affecting how we understand the nature of thought, the nature of having a self, the nature of making decisions." The text is a transcript of the video (in which you can still hear traces of her Manitoba accent).

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New version of OnionShare makes it easy for anyone to publish anonymous, uncensorable websites
Micah Lee, Micah Lee's blog, 2019/10/16


It's not exactly the same model, but I'll file this under 'content addressable resources for education'. And - as the headline makes clear - this particular application has its downside as well. But we should be aware it's out there. Basically, the service makes use of The Onion Router (TOR) to allow a user to host their own website anonymously from their own computer. As Wikipedia explains, "Onion routing is implemented by encryption in the application layer of a communication protocol stack, nested like the layers of an onion." OnionShare "will start a web server to host your static website and give you a .onion URL."

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]

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Copyright 2019 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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