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Learning to create the future of work
Harold Jarche, 2018/02/21


Harold Jarche writes, "when we look at the future of work, the loss of current jobs, and the effects of automation we should use a compass to guide us, not a list of what the jobs of the future may look like." In particular, he writes, "policy makers and organizational leaders should look at how they can enhance self-determination for everyone: by fostering autonomy, competence, and relatedness."

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The JavaScript Learning Landscape in 2018
Jason Rodriguez, CSS-Tricks, 2018/02/21


This is textbook. Not your textbook; my textbook. As I've been converting gRSShopper into a modern web application slash personal learning environment, I've had to dramatically improve my knowledge of Javascript. This article describes my learning landscape in this endeavour (minus the actual textbooks, because I'm cheap - but I have done that, with other subjects, working through the examples beginning to end). The blogs and newsletters provide me with a steady dose of insight (and yes, I read the ones listed here - it's uncanny). I listen to podcasts on the drive into work (different ones, though). I watch some videos, but not many (I'm impatient). And there's a lot of doing. Experimenting in CodePen. Using diagnostics in Firefox. It's completely informal - there isn't a course to be found. And it's working.

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Career Perspectives of Elementary, Middle, and High School Students: Results of a Cross-Sectional Survey
Karyssa Siegel, randr Blog, 2018/02/21


This is marketing for a company called randr, a job search service, but it is well done, and makes a good point. The good point is this: " Students are expected to make decisions impacting the rest of their lives at age 18, despite the fact that they have had very little exposure to the abundance of options." This has a range of undesirable impacts. It means they aspire toward unrealistic careers, like pro athelete, or movie star. It results in gender imbalance in career aspirations. The recommendation makes sense: "Expose students to a wider variety of careers earlier in life to better inform their major in college and be prepared to enter the working world." 

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Link educational occupational credentials to courses
Phil Barker, W3C Wiki, 2018/02/21


This is some work being done at the W3C and schema.org. "Having found an educational or occupational credential, and possibly identified the competencies required to obtain that credential, an individual may find courses (and hence perhaps learning materials or other things)." In order to do this, "it is necessary to be able to link these educational and occupational credentials to courses." This is what this specification describes. Here's a use case. Here's the schema.org page. The image is by Stuart Sutton.

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Copyright 2018 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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