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by Stephen Downes
Aug 12, 2016

Feature Article
Ascent From Social Media
Stephen Downes, Aug 11, 2016.

I think it's time to move on from Facebook. Not to try to replace it, but to rather ascend from it, to get away from the bottom-feeders and think about new ways to connect with family and friends, new ways to cooperate with colleagues around the world.

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Management and Organization at Medium
Andy Doyle, Medium, 2016/08/12


Medium, which started out as a company run as a holocracy, is moving on from that model. The reasoning is illustrative. "So we’re off Holacracy. Not because it didn’t work, or because it’s 'wacky' or 'fringe.' We are a little wacky and fringe, and we’re okay with that. We are moving beyond it because we as a company have change.... Beyond that, the system had begun to exert a small but persistent tax on both our effectiveness, and our sense of connection to each other." Governance is hard, which is why so many management gurus have so many quick-fix solutions.

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An open listicle to startup founders
Ben Werdmuller, Open Words, 2016/08/12


Some fun from Ben Werdmuller. And good advice (and well-times as I seek to move beyond Facebook, somehow). A lot of what he says falls under of the heading "it's been done, it didn't work, move on." The whole point of creating something new is that it has to be new, not just a clone of something else. (We were actually given manuals saying we should describe our innovation as "the X of Y" where X was a well-known concept and Y was a new market. As if.)

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Copyright 2016 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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