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by Stephen Downes
Apr 06, 2016

Self Determination Theory
Various authors, Self Determination Theory, 2016/04/06


I was talking about this topic over lunch and then Jon Dron came up with a slide pointing to this site during his talk. Essentially, intrinsic motivation exists only if there is autonomy, competence and relatedness.Worse - extrinsic motivation kills intrinsic motivation. As soon as we start getting rewards or punishments, we have lost intrinsic motivation. So, Dron says, education systems are systematically demotivating. Right. See also: The Quick Teacher's Guide to SDT.

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The scholarship of teaching and learning: what works, and why
Jessica Riddell, University Affairs, 2016/04/06

One acronym, which I kept reading in two senses:

They amount to the same thing in this article. And it was interesting to reflect on the state of the literature in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Here's what one author found (quoted):

Maybe so. But it also underlines to me the lack of an actual science of teaching and learning. After all, we wouldn't expect to see a professor of English literature giving us their own perspective on electrical engineering. (p.s. don't expect to see the promise of the title anywhere fulfilled in this article).

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Creative Learning and the Future of Work
J. Philipp Schmidt, Mitchel Resnick, Joi Ito, Mit, 2016/04/06

Good article, with a focus on the '4Ps' of creative learning (quoted):

Note: to read this article you have to enter the password: reviewer (as indicated here). See also: Give P's a Chance.

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