OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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by Stephen Downes
[Sept] 03, 2015

How to Think Visually
Rabndy, Cool Infographics, 2015/09/03


In case you haven't seen this before, or are just beginning your career and an education consultant, here's a graphic represention of a couple dozen or so graphical representations of data. You too can feature the sandwich, universe or rollwer coaster in your slides.

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The Best of August 2015
Jane Hart, Learning in the Social Workplace, 2015/09/03

I like this format from Jane Hart. She highlights the best of her posts and tweets from the months into a substantial newsletter broken into major topics emerging through the month, in this case, into these four: the need to revamp training, whether we should call people 'learners', the efficacy of self-directed learning, and organizational culture.

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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