OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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by Stephen Downes
Feb 26, 2015

What’s Wrong with the Internet?
Edward H. Baker, Strategy+Business, 2015/02/26


Review of Andrew Keenm's The Internet is not the Answer. "Keen argues that 'rather than democracy and diversity…all we’ve got from the digital revolution so far is fewer jobs, an overabundance of content, an infestation of piracy, a coterie of Internet monopolists, and a radical narrowing of our economic and cultural elite.'" My perspective of course is very different. Keen argues "the 'citizen' ... has suffered greatly over the past two decades through the loss of jobs, privacy, and collective identity, and a declining sense of the common good." Maybe. But many people (such as myself) have quietly benefited. We are in a cultural renaissance, a golden age of music, a flourishing of video arts. Yes, there is a concentration of wealth. But the internet didn't cause that, and frankly, I don't see how it can be overturned, except by means of the internet.

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Big data trend now being applied to managing human resources
Dianne Buckner, CBC News, 2015/02/26


Intesresting story in CBC rthis morning on the use of data analytics by employers to manage staffing. "A growing number of human resources executives are starting to dig deep into computerized statistical data on employees, to make decisions regarding salaries, promotions, and even benefit programs. It's a trend that excites some and worries others." Obviously such a system has potential for abuse - but on the other hand, there are obvious advantages to being able to quickly identify, recruit and promote qualified employees. The connection between this item and online learning should be clear.

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