OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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by Stephen Downes
Jan 16, 2015

Why You Need To Leave Academia In 2015
Unattributed, Cheeky Scientist, 2015/01/16


This is the decision I made en passant maybe a decade and a half ago - around the time that I realized further investment in a PhD was counterproductive. Now my reasons were a bit different. But I knew at the time there was no compelling economic case for continuing; I had learned what I needed to learned and the actual piece of paper wasn't going to produce a lot of additional value. "The Fairy Tale Is Over. Academia is broken. The time to leave it is now. If you don’t leave, you will be poor, mistreated, and unhappy." The funny thing about this article is that it's actually trying to entice people to leave academia and move to an industry career (where there is actually a shortage of skilled professionals).

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