OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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May 8, 2013

Is 2013 the Year of Infrastructure Investment?
Corey Murray, Ed Tech Magazine, May 8, 2013


According to Corey Murray, "increased financial pressures have forced many IT administrators to rethink their school technology budgets. Beyond supporting the culture of education and innovation upon which so many colleges have staked their reputations, board members and other decision-makers are under increasing pressure to apply a more business-centric approach, investing in technologies that promise to improve the bottom line." What I'm wondering is, when has that ever not been the case? I can't recall too many IT departments just running stuff willy-nilly, without thinking about costs and revenues. Here's the full survey (without the same spin) from Huffington Post.

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The new look!
Sean Connor, The Saylor Journals, May 8, 2013


The Saylor Foundation, which has been focused on free education since 2008, is gradually rebranding itself as a university. It announces today the launch of its new home page highlighting its online learning opportunities.

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A Boy And His Atom: The World's Smallest Movie
YouTube, May 8, 2013


Uploaded to YouTube a few days ago, your glimpse into the future for the day. "IBM researchers used a scanning tunneling microscope to move thousands of carbon monoxide molecules (two atoms stacked on top of each other), all in pursuit of making a movie so small it can be seen only when you magnify it 100 million times" (see how it was made at http://youtu.be/xA4QWwaweWA). Via 2¢ Worth.

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