OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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May 3, 2013

Moocs and K12 Cloud: Privacy regulations and Risk Management
Stephen Downes, May 3, 2013, Ed Tech Innovation, Calgary, Alberta

Engaging panel with a researcher, educator, professor and a lawyer about the privacy and legal implications of MOOCs.

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Feature Article
Calgary, Alberta
Stephen Downes, May 2, 2013.

Photos from Calgary, Alberta

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Edukashun is brocken
Tumblr, May 3, 2013


Finding examples of the lazy Education is broken meme wherever they surface their squashy little heads.

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Learning Analytics Interoperability
Adam Cooper, Adam Cooper's Work Blog, May 3, 2013


Link to "report that describes, in summary form, the findings of a survey into: a) the current state of awareness of, and research or development into, this problem of seamless data exchange between multiple software systems, and b) standards and pre-standardisation work that are candidates for use or experimentation." Three formats: Open Office, PDF, MS Word.

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San Jose State University Faculty Pushes Back Against EdX
Inside Higher Ed, May 3, 2013

San Jose teachers are attacking the 'Great Teachers' / 'Best Teachers in the World' meme that has been associated with the recent 'elite universities' MOOCs. "There is no pedagogical problem in our department that JusticeX solves," the letter to Sandel says, "nor do we have a shortage of faculty capable of teaching our equivalent course." And they question the pedagogy that xMOOCs implement in their place. "The move to outside vendor MOOCs is especially troubling in light of this--it is hard to see how they can nourish the complex mix of information, attitudes, solidarity and moral commitment that are crucial to flourishing democracies."

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Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning: Open Educational Resources: Innovation, Research and Practice
Rory McGreal, Wanjira Kinuthia, Stewart Marshall, Tim McNamara, Commonwealth of Learning, May 3, 2013


Rory McGreal announced today that this book is now online at www.col.org/psOERIRP and is available in PDF and epub. From the website: "It describes the movement in detail, providing readers with insight into OER’s significant benefits, its theory and practice, and its achievements and challenges." I have a chapter in the book on the role of OERs in personal learning. I argue, "when a course is designed according to network principles, and hence as a MOOC, the role of OER changes dramatically. Far from being published materials created by academics and authors and merely consumed by course participants, they begin to become the way in which these course participants communicate with each other and, as a consequence, their use and exchange numbers are not in the single digits but rather in the hundreds or thousands."

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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