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February 7, 2013

Analyzing MOOCs – A SWOT Analysis
Andrew Spinner, February 7, 2013

The article pretty much delivers on what the title promises - a straightforward SWOT analysis of MOOCs. It's pretty informally written, and it focuses mostly on the ever-popular xMOOC form offered by Coursera and Udacity and the like.

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American Council on Education Recommends 5 MOOCs for Credit
Steve Kolowich, The Chronicle: Wired Campus Blog, February 7, 2013

Today's big MOOC news (is there any day these days without big MOOC news?) is that the American Council on Education has recommended five MOOCs for credit, all offered through the Coursera platform. According to the article, "the approval of the first Coursera MOOCs is 'an important first step in ACE's work to examine the long-term potential of MOOCs' to deal with issues such as 'degree completion, increasing learning productivity, and deepening college curricula,' said Molly Corbett Broad, the council's president, in a written statement." Of course, now colleges will need to accept these credits as (say) equivalent to credit for advance placement courses (and into the labyrinth we go, sorting out course accreditation among hundreds of separate college programs).

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