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February 1, 2013

My Education Path
Roman Doubush, My Education Path, February 1, 2013

This is good innovative work. "My Education Path (or "My Path") tool can be used to plan your education in online classes. You choose skills (proffesion) you want to get and the tool will build all possible pathes through different online courses from different vendors. You can compare and choose what path you like." Also, "My education passport tool is used to create visual history of our personal education. You can show list of completed online courses, practice training and internships. Your education passport profile can be made public and be used like part of your resume." Clearly quite a bit of work remains (if courses are being added by hand, for example, it's probably not sustainable). The developer is based in Ukraine; I hope they get funding.

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Traditional and Online Courses]

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