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December 18, 2012

New VET and E-Learning Standard NP 4512:2012 Now Available
Press Release, Q-Cert-VET , December 18, 2012.

A new standard for "vocational training management system, including technology enhanced learning, requirements" is now
available. "Due to approval of certification scheme OEC010 by the Portuguese Institute for Accreditation (IPAC) on November 23rd, all certification bodies can apply to IPAC for accreditation and thus gain the ability to certify training institutions with the standard." It's a bit obscure - well, ok, a lot obscure - but the specification is essentially intended to define quality standards in -elearning.

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Instagram Warns Users It Plans to Use Their Images in Advertising
John McDermott, Ad Age, December 18, 2012.

People uploading personal photos to Instagram may be surprised to see this: "Starting in January, Instagram users might be surprised to find their photos or faces starring in advertisements when they log onto the photo-sharing service or are browsing Facebook." I'm not.

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Personalized Learning in B.C.
Various Authors, Province of British Columbia, December 18, 2012.

I'm not sure exactly when this came out - it's either late 2011 or 2012 - but this guide to personalized learning in B.C. is a fascinating example of what can be done to create an interactive e-book. First, the content: "Personalized learning for each student in British Columbia means a shift from a set of broad, uniform learning outcomes and courses, to learning that is increasingly student-initiated and self directed. It is learning that is co-planned with students, parents, and teachers." But now, do follow the link to view the 'interactive guide' to personal learning in B.C. I'd love to know how they did it (presumably with some PDF authoring tool).

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Two key learning trends you might have missed this year: MOOCs and OA
John Helmer, Line, December 18, 2012.

Leaving aside all the discussion about specific models of this and that, what really makes me happy about the major trends for this year is that both of them - open online learning and open access - are things I have been working toward for many years. "The spirit that animates the pioneers of MOOCs is a manifestation of the wider desire to open up education to a world beyond the small minority within developed economies who can currently afford it – a spirit that is leading to a lot of push-back on the power of academic publishers." This is not about giving, it is not about charity - it's about opening doors.

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Books, Online Learning, Open Access, Academia]

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Los OVA, una manera diferente de estar conectado
Claudia Melo Redaccion, El Nuevo Dia, December 18, 2012.

Another niche item: this is Spanish-language coverage of my talk in Ibague.

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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