OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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June 22, 2012

Models, Technological Resources and Knowledge Management
Stephen Downes, June 21, 2012, XIII Encuentro Virtual Educa, Panama City, Panama

To offer effective e-learning it is important to get the model right, but this is difficult. I suggest that the internet itself is the model we need to use. This suggests a set of open learning resources that extends beyond content and even conversation but also activities and interactions.

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2012 Paris OERS Declaration
Various Authors, UNESCO, June 22, 2012.

Delegates at an OER conference organized by UNESCO have released a statement on open educational resources recommending that member countries Foster awareness and use of OERs, among other things. 

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In networks, cooperation trumps collaboration
Harold Jarche, Weblog, June 20, 2012.

Harold Jarche offers a nice take on an argument I have often offered: that in a network world we organize ourselves by means of cooperation, not collabration. Jarche writes, "Shifting our emphasis from collaboration, which still is required to get some work done, to cooperation, in order to thrive in a networked enterprise, means reassessing some of our assumptions and work practices. For instance: The lessening importance of teamwork, versus exploring outside the organization may change our perceptions about being a “team player”. Detailed roles and job descriptions are inadequate for work at the edge. (And) You cannot train people to be social."

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Do Khan Academy Videos Promote “Meaningful Learning”?
Kate Rix, Open Culture, June 20, 2012.

If he really wanted to change our minds about this, he would have come to us and shown us in person, right? "It’s no small irony that Muller’s argument, that online instructional videos don’t work, has reached its biggest audience in the form of an online video. He launches right in, lecture style, with a gentle attack on the Khan Academy, which has famously flooded the Internet with free instructional videos on every subject from arithmetic to finance." This whole 'meaningful learning' argument is a canard. If the methods didn't work, critics wouldn't use them to criticize them. They'd do, well, whatever works. Whatever that is.

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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