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August 30, 2011

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Emerging Trends in LMS / Ed Tech Market
Phil Hill, e-Literate, August 25, 2011.

This post is a bit late in getting to you (blame my camping vacation) but I certainly wouldn't want to pass it over entirely, as Phil Hill offers this good overview of the LMS market (I did link to one pot that summarized some aspects of this discussion). In particular, Blackboard's " picking up only a handful of new LMS clients, while they are losing hundreds of LMS clients per year." Today, "The market is more competitive, with more options, than it has been for years (but) it is also interesting in what is not being seen as a strategic blurring of lines – between LMS and student information systems."

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Connective Children. Nothing New?
Bud Hunt, Bud the Teacher, August 25, 2011.

To be clear: when George Siemens and I talk about Connective learning and all the rest of it, we are not making claims of novelty. Rather, we are trying to gather and summarize and explain what we believe to be effective practice. Hence, when we see a headline that says something ike "connective such-and-such not novel" we view this as support for Connectivism, and not some oblique refutation of it (I'm pretty sure George feels this way; I know I do). I'm not saying Bud Hunt is out to refute us here; probably the opposite But I do know form experience that many people equate "not novel" with some sort of refutation, as though launching a new theory in education one a yea is a good thing.

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Get in on the Goods at The Learning Network
Meredith Ely, LearnBoost, August 25, 2011.

Link to and discussion of The Learning Network at the New York Times. The only problem with this service, of course, is that if you increase your use of the NY Times website, the site's paywall will kick in, and you'll be blocked from further access until you pay a subscription fee. But it's good to take a look and see how they did it, perhaps with an eye to creating a free and open alternative.

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An Ed Tech Quickie: Jobs, Journals, and Academic Programs
Curtis J. Bonk, TravelinEdMan, August 25, 2011.

Curt Bonk comes through with a reprise of three of his most useful sets of links and resources. I could use all three of these:
1. Jobs.
2. Journals.
3. Academic programs.

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Creating short videos that support learning
Dick Moore, ToolsAndTaxonomy.com , August 25, 2011.

With people debating the merits of Khan Academy there is no doubt a proliferation of people wanting to emulate the approach and style. And I certainly want to encourage such industry! This is a quick guide. Key takeaways: first, it took about two hours to create a five-minute video (sounds right to me). And second, "Sound quality is absolutely critical – I am not happy with the sound quality used in the screen capture in this one and having watched quite a few of these it makes such a difference."

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