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Jul 27, 2001

Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias In response to Britannica's recent announcement that it will start charging subscription fees again, this article describes a number of open source encyclopedia being developed on the internet. According to the author, "Britannica and other proprietary encyclopedias will be hopelessly obsolete within ten years--small, out-of-date, and generally irrelevant--by comparison with Nupedia, Wikipedia, and the many other non-proprietary reference works that are being and will be developed." By Larry Sanger, Kuro5hin, July 25, 2001. Submitted on Jul 27, 2001 [Refer]

Taming the Wild, Wild Web Redesign the internet? This is what more and more business people are advocating as they find the current version too wild, to unpredictable, too hard to control. But redesigning the web to accomodate accepted business principles would curb many of the freedoms net users currently enjoy. What we have as a fundamental cultural clash, one that will intensify over the months and years to come. This article is on the L.A. Times website, so read it quickly before it disappears behind a subscription-only barrier. By Michael Hiltzik, L.A. Times, July 26, 2001. "The Internet is an important cultural phenomenon, but that doesn't excuse its failure to comply with basic economic laws," said Thomas Nolle, a New Jersey telecommunications consultant. "The problem is that it was devised by a bunch of hippie anarchists who didn't have a strong profit motive. But this is a business, not a government-sponsored network." Submitted on Jul 27, 2001 [Refer]

The Glossarist Need a glossary? This site indexes 4,500 glossaries, 679 of which have been cataloged into 130 categories. Submitted on Jul 27, 2001 [Refer]

Perspectives in Electronic Publishing OK, I really like this concept. PEP is a prototype electronic journal with enhancements for browsing selected papers on a focussed topic, in this case, on electronic publishing. But the full service only works with Internet Explorer 5.5, in my view a misjudgement. The selection of papers so far is very good and I'll be back often. Submitted on Jul 27, 2001 [Refer]

Effective Practices and Solutions This database recently launched by Educause is intended to gather "the practices and solutions you have implemented on your campus that you have found to be effective in managing and using information technology." Submitted on Jul 27, 2001 [Refer]

Journalist, Syndicate Thyself Academics who write regularly should look at this do-it-yourself guide to content syndication. By Ben Sullivan, Online Journalism Review, July 19, 2000. Submitted on Jul 27, 2001 [Refer]

An Instructor's Guide to Live E-Learning It's amazing how closely live e-learning resembles live in-class learning, at least to judge by this guide for live e-learning leaders. At least, these common sense rules have always guided my own in-class teaching. That said, online instructors will find this to be a handy, if brief, checklist of useful tips. By Chrstine L. Duckworth, Learning Circuits, July, 2001. Submitted on Jul 27, 2001 [Refer]

2001 E-Learning User Survey E-Learning magazine releases a reader survey describing the benefits and pitfalls of online learning. A vast majority of learners opt for the online variety because it offers learning any time and any place. A surprising number also cite savings in cost. The major barriers are bandwidth and cultural resistance. PDF file. July 26, 2001. Submitted on Jul 27, 2001 [Refer]

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