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Jun 25, 2001

Nea Hails New Report on School Technology Needs The report, titled Key Building Blocks for Student Achievement in the 21st Century, looks at the effect of technology on education. It calls for equitable access and a specific educational objectives. NEA, Press Release, June 25, 2001. Submitted on Jun 25, 2001 [Refer]

Cool Graphics in XML Introduction to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an XML standard for graphics on the web. SVG is able to encode styles, transformations, animations, and more. More importantly, as W3C rep Charles McCathieNevile told me during AusWeb 01, Scalable Vector Graphics render in multiple formats, including non-graphical formats, thus becoming accessible to visually impaired readers. By Mark Gibbs, Network World, June 26, 2001. Submitted on Jun 25, 2001 [Refer]

The Outernet Is Coming Interesting article on a rising trend - the emergence of the 'outernet.' The outernet is a connected network of computer screens, used mostly for advertising, on public display in public areas. It's typical business-think to view them only as useful advertising vehicles. Outernet terminals, though, will interact with your PDA, doubling as a public net access point (with a big screen display), useful for finding information, conducting transactions, or sending customer feedback. They will show advertising only when not in use. Why an interactive outnet? Because people will just ignore it otherwise. Vy Joanne Helperin, Business 2.0, June 26, 2001. Submitted on Jun 25, 2001 [Refer]

Searching for the Library: University Home Page Design and Missing Links University home pages, argues the author, are now sufficiently similar to be classed as a genre. But within this genre, many sites do not include a direct link to the university library. This reflects a devaluation of the role of libraries in the university. But university home pages should include such a link. I agree with the first two points - which reflect a useful observation. But I do not agree with the last two, which reflect a misunderstanding of home page design. Links are added or deleted not according to 'valuation' but according to the number of people who use the link. By Roberta J. Astroff, Information Technology and Libraries, Volume 20, Number 2, June, 2001. Submitted on Jun 25, 2001 [Refer]

Error Message Guidelines Jakob Nielsen tells us how to write effective error messages for the web. Me, I have decided that in any software I write, the error messages will be in haiku:

    Windows NT crashed.
    I am the Blue Screen of Death.
    No one hears your screams.
Submitted on Jun 25, 2001 [Refer]

Vying to Be the Hottest... Good resource found by elearningpost that proviodes an overview of distance and online learning in India. The scoop? The Indian online learning market scenario is dcurrently ominated by IT training. By Amit Sarkar, Dataquest, June 20, 2001. Submitted on Jun 25, 2001 [Refer]

Schools Using Internet Report Cards This will be old news to some people, but this AP report is a sign that online report cards are becoming mainstream. June 21, 2001. Submitted on Jun 25, 2001 [Refer]

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