OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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November 26, 2013

Instructional Design Collaboration: A Professional Learning and Growth Experience
Barbara Brown, Sarah Elaine Eaton, D. Michele Jacobsen, Sylvie Roy, , Sharon Friesen, Journal of Online Learning, Teaching (JOLT), November 26, 2013

Amid a dozen of so papers that could have been wrritten in the 1990s is this position paper in the current issue of the Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT): "A reflective analysis of the collaborative design process is presented using an adapted, four-fold curriculum design framework (from Hai-Jew (2010)) Course instructors discuss their approaches to backward instructional design and describe the digital tools used to support collaboration." Well, this too could have been written in the 1990s, I guess. Seriously, folks, this is 2013 - we've gone way beyond faculty exchanginbg online learning tips.

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