OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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November 16, 2011

Stephen Downes, Flickr, November 16, 2011.

I'm in Oslo - here's a nice set of photos. As always, I recommend the slideshow version. Enjoy. :)

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Introduction to Openness in Education, Winter 2012
David Wiley, iterating toward openness, November 16, 2011.

David Wiley has a new open online course coming up starting in January. He writes, "Rather than teach the same Introduction to Open Education I’ve taught in the past, I’m going to expand out and teach Introduction to Openness in Education. While I’m going to include much more than just OER, I am going to restrict the topics covered to things directly applicable to education. This broader set of topics is what, to me, really constitutes Open Education. However, because people have somehow managed to conflate Open Education with OER, I’m going to try this new title."

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files/images/Screen_shot_2011-11-16_at_4.33.34_PM.png, size: 195431 bytes, type:  image/png
On Secret Handshakes and Making the World a Better Place with ID
Ellen Wagner, eLearning Roadtrip, November 16, 2011.

Ellen Wagner relates a presentation on the Secret Handshakes of Instructional Design "based on various blog posts I have written on this topic, as well as an essay published in the inaugural issue of the Journal of Applied Instructional Design." Here are the slides. The point of the presentation is that in order for change to happen, everybody involved in instructional design (ID) needs to work together - hence the need to be able to recognize each other (with secret handshakes). "When you get right down to it, perhaps the most notable secret handshake all IDs share is the passion for finding solutions that make the world a better place for learning."

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OERu Founding Anchor Partner Statements -- An inspiration for OER adoption
Wayne Mackintosh, WikiEducator Forum, November 16, 2011.

I had a look at the Founding partner Statements referenced during this discussion. And while I don't want to be the one who throws cold water over everything, I cannot be the only one experiencing a sense of disappointment in these statements. Each statement has a section titled "Planned contribution to the OERu logic model" and the content of these planned contributions is for the most part minimal. Indeed, most of the contributions amount to nothing! Yes, Athabasca University is "allowing students to gain a Bachelor's degree in General Studies through the OERu using challenge examinations." But the majority of proposed contributions promise nothing more than offering a few OERs, helping coordinate, and maybe publicizing the initiative. Yes, I know you need to start somewhere, but I don't think you should be starting in the 1990s.

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Re: Brewing a perfect OER storm for the future of post-secondary education
simonfj, WikiEducator Forum, November 16, 2011.

This is an email that was sent out through a number of Open Educational Resources lists, from simonfj (I've converted URLs into links): "Nice thing is we don't have to look to hard as to how these shared services will work. Institutions can share the same space & tools & content. The question then is how do (let's call them) the OERu AMIGOS choose the preferred tools so we can support a few million students/teachers globally. I look at my wish list and it looks a little like an open version of this platform. Look, rather than talking about a range of technical "what ifs", let me just copy and paste the latest email from terena's taskforce for media. Their members are, I hope, the yin to the OERu's yang. I'll also note this blog entry as it points out why institutions need the NREN mousetrap builders." The message is followed with a long list of institutions and organizations participating in the "new TF-Media Terms of Reference" (if someone has a mailing list for this, please let me know, so I can follow it).

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Educational Technology & Education Conferences January to June 2012
Clayton R. Wright, Stephen's Web, November 16, 2011.

Clayton R. Wright has distributed the latest in his series of excellent conference calendars; I have a copy here. Wright writes, "This 26th version of the educational technology conference list doesn't seem to reflect increased interest in open educational resources (OER), cloud computing, and mobile learning. However, if you look at the actual programs or sessions being offered during the conferences, there is an increase in the number of discussions about these topics as well as sessions on teaching and learning."
Enclosure: files/docs/Educational_Technology__Education_Conferences_January_to_June_2012_Clayton_R_Wright.doc Size: 834048 bytes, type: application/x-msword

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.