OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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October 24, 2011

Public Support for Free Learning: A Policy Framework
Stephen Downes, October 24, 2011, VLHORA - studiedag 'The Education Highway', Flemish Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

In this talk I make the case for a community-based model of learning, where courses are structured as connectivist networks, describe some of the thinking behind the model, and outline a policy framework for the support of free learning.

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Bibliographies about Open Access from Digital Scholarship
Charles W. Bailey, Jr., DigitalKoans, October 24, 2011.

Short post that does exaclt what is advertised: "This post presents six bibliographies about open access topics. All works are under a Creative Commons license. The digital versions are open access."

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On lies, infographics, and unverified numbers
Urs E Gattiker , ComMetrics, October 23, 2011.

This post is in itself an effective piece of marketing, and in fact I ended up subscribing to the the MarketingCharts newsletter, which may or may not have been its intent. From my own perspective, the care taken in crafting this piece of marketing suggests to me that the analytics that are ComMetrics main product are probably worth investigation by people looking to measure impacts. I would recommend showing this piece to critical thinking or media awareness students and have them identify the marketing tactics used. It's brilliant social media marketing.

The popularity of infographics themselves suggests that there is a need for accurate impact data effectively presented. Unfortunately this is a domain rife with misrepresentation and inaccuracy. A commonly accepted mechanisms for directly linking infographics to source data would be a good thing. Failing that, people relying on infographics for snapshots of impact data will need to be able to depend on sources they know will verify the data. This is a value-add, and should be recognized as such.

The article itself referred to here is also a good read, 'take-aways' worth a mention. So, for teacher bloggers:
1. Do not misrepresent data
2. Do not use infographics unless they add value
3. Be ethical and tell readers where data come from
4. Check and re-check the original source

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Marketing, Web Logs, Linking and Deep Linking, Google, Newsletters]

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.