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Jul 12, 2001

Making Micropayments Micro Enough Content producers (writers, articsts, musicians, educators) who support mircopayments, or similar revenue generation schemes, are backing the wrong horse. There is no micropayment that can compete with free content. By Stephen Downes, July 11, 2001. Submitted on Jul 12, 2001 [Refer]

For the Record Writing a paper and need some solid statistics to back up yopur case? This page is a wonderful collection of distance and online learning statistics and projections. Center for Adult Learning and Education Credentials, Centerpoint. Submitted on Jul 12, 2001 [Refer]

Emerging Models of Online Collaborative Learning: Can Distance Enhance Quality? Good discussion which proposes a much wider view of what is meant by interaction in online classes. Two of the three recommendations are close to my heart: they both deal with large scale interaction beyond the scope of an individual class. As the authors comment (and I so agree with this): "Faculty members and faculty developers can and should go far beyond the conventional classroom, faculty office, and dormitory room as the metaphors for the setting and nature of student communication." By Stephen C. Ehrmann and Mauri Collins, to appear in the September 2001 issue of Educational Technology Magazine. Submitted on Jul 12, 2001 [Refer]

School Innovation: Pathway to the Knowledge Society The Australian government's report, mentioned yesterday, on fostering innovation in schools. Of the four major findings, three are obvious (you should use data, you should foster innovation, you should follow best practices). The key finding is that "schools need to internalise powerful approaches to professional learning and staff development..." This, it turns out, is the "removal of restraints" to innovation mentioned yesterday. PDF file, in chunks, 88K for the contents and summary. By Peter Cuttance, Commonwealth of Australia, 2001. Submitted on Jul 12, 2001 [Refer]

World Bank Development Gateway New URL. The Development Gateway "helps communities, organizations, and individuals build partnerships, share ideas, and work together to reduce poverty." Its intent is to be a portal on development issues. Users can access information and resources and they can contribute their own knowledge and experience. Submitted on Jul 12, 2001 [Refer]

The World Bank Development Gateway: A Declaration A group of knowledge workers launches a petition and declaration opposing the World Bank's Development Gateway project, on several grounds: that it privileges some voices over others, that it will be controlled by governments and industry with no criteria for representation, and that it centralizes initiatives and thereby undermines alternatives. July 12, 2001. Submitted on Jul 12, 2001 [Refer]

Feeling Wired? Go Wireless Lighthearted romp, with plenty of links, to the life and culture of wireless internet. By Steve Bass, PC World, July 11, 2001 Submitted on Jul 12, 2001 [Refer]

eArmyU.Com Quick read describing how PricewaterhouseCoopers approached the U.S. Army's $600 million e-learning contract and where they're going from here. By Lisa Currin, eLearn Magazine, July 10, 2001. Submitted on Jul 12, 2001 [Refer]

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