Sunday, May 22, 2005

KM4D Journal Launched

I'm thrilled to see KM4D Journal spring into being. KM4D - or Knowledge Management for Development, comes from the KM4Dev Community of which I've been a part of for a number of years. Kudos to the new editorial board who have birthed it! I'm tickled to have been able to contribute an article (PDF) co-written with Siobhan Kimmerle about our work in Armenia.

Here is a brief description of this new and FREE resource:
"KM4D Journal focuses on knowledge management in development. It includes diverse knowledge management approaches in development organizations, large and small, in the South and in the North, and aims to facilitate cross-fertilization between knowledge management and related fields.

KM4D Journal offers peer-reviewed practice-based cases, analysis and research concerning the role of knowledge in development processes, and provides a forum for debate and exchange of ideas among practitioners, policy makers academics and activists world-wide. By challenging current assumptions, it will seek to stimulate new thinking and to shape future ways of working.

The journal is strongly related to the KM4Dev community of practice but aims to promote KM knowledge and approaches in the wider professional development community. Wherever possible, we will link up with existing kindred communities or networks."
Our contribution is "Little steps to lofty goals: keys to successful community learning for civil society development."

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