Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ Why This Internet Thing is Just Starting

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community
So I'm on the 27th floor of a hotel in downtown Montreal, wrapping up early because I have a flight back to Moncton this evening, and outside my window I see nothing but white. The Air Canada website says my flight is on time, which is no doubt a hopeful fabrication. Today's newsletter is a mixture of hope and fear: awe at the ongoing technological revolution described in this article, a revolution that is sweeping through the internet as we watch - podcasts, vidcasts, Skype recording, and more; and disquiet at the way these new technologies are being subverted as a means through which the powerful can exert greater influence, greater control. Today I'll opt for hope - but it's easy to be engulfed in the snowstorm, isn't it?


Oh, and this just in: "I just heard from the PSC and you received a 'B' in your oral interaction test. You now meet all your language levels." Yes folks, I passed my test (the reason for my visit to Montreal). Woo hoo! I am now officially bilingual. :) :) :)


Hope, sometimes, does win out.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

Copyright 2024
Last Updated: Sept 09, 2024 03:54 a.m.

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