doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Do I need a little help?

Apparently, yes.

The bad news is that it wasn’t perfect…the good news is that I guess it wasn’t bad.

I was playing around with the Hemingway Online AI editor to see what it was all about. In my case, I didn’t write anything new with it. Instead, I let it check my previous writing. In this case, it was yesterday’s post about file formats.

I visited the Hemingway Online website, deleted its demo text and copied/pasted my blog post. The images didn’t come across and that was OK with me. It probably makes sense to a writing assistant although I thought the images helped with the complete post.

Here is its analysis.

I haven’t had my writing that marked up since I was in Grade 6!

So, what it did catch?

I’m going to write off (sic) the “hard-to-read” complaint. It was kind of a technical article. I’m sure that it was the first time that the application had seen “OSAPAC”.

Thank goodness that you can find any article on the internet to support any position. I’ll defend my Grade 6 readability with this. I acknowledge that I have no intention of writing the next great Canadian novel.

It was an interesting experience but a bit humbling. I know that there are a few English teachers who are regular readers and they haven’t checked me. At least to my knowledge, anyway.

What about you? Would you use an AI assistant to analyze your writing?

5 responses to “Do I need a little help?”

  1. Hmmm … this is making me think. I write once a month on The MEHRIT Centre blog. My writing is analyzed through a WordPress application. I wonder if this AI option would produce similar results. I might need to try it.



  2. Yes I’ve played with Hemingway intermittently for years but I ignore most of its feedback, trusting my audience of mostly educators to understand big technical words.


  3. […] Do I need a little help? – doug — off the record […]


  4. I’ve worked with professional human editors a couple of times. Three books I wrote were professionally edited. Those experiences were pretty easy to take actually. I credit that to a less than easy experience earlier in my career.
    I worked for a team that had a professional writer attached to it for writing documentation. She offered to edit writing by the software developers in her spare time. I took her up on the offer and gradually my work was marked up less and less. It was marked up a lot early on. Best writing learning experience ever.
    Several others in the team had work heavily marked up the first time and never went back for a second. A missed opportunity, I think.


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