Two Boyds on YASNSes
Marc Canter,
Feb 16, 2004
I've had one of those days where attention to agreements and intellectual property and licensing prevented any real work from getting done. So I'll leave it to Seb Paquet to refer this quote from Marc Canter: "The business sector is floundering around - trying to 'wrap their arms' around something - that is un-wrappable. Since social software is not a single market or even single trend - the VCs wanna know "where's the beef?" "What's the business model?" "Who do we invest in?" But the thing about it is - social software is more than a trend or fad. It's a raising of the bar - bringing humans into the equation of software. Directly. From now on - all software MUST recognize the fact that humans use it. That those humans have relationships with other humans and that those relationships are probably more important than that human giving money to the software vendor."
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