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Curricula as contested
and contesting spaces:
Geographies of identity,
resistance and desire
By Paul Prinsloo
(University of South Africa)
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Presentation at Transforming the Curriculum:
South African Imperatives and 21st Century Possibilities
University of Pretoria, 28 January 2016
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The Fight Between Carnival and Lent, Pieter Bruegel 1559, Den Bosch. Image credit:
“… pattern-making devices that situate or locate patterns within
their larger social contexts; they are [also] decentering devices”
(Bedoes, Schimpf & Pawley, 2014, p.3; emphasis added)
A well-chosen metaphor “is one of our most important tools for
trying to comprehend partially what cannot be comprehended
(Lakoff & Johnson, 1980, p. 193)
The metaphors we use to describe and understand phenomena are
not benign but are consciously chosen to assist us in understanding a
particular phenomenon, and also shape future understandings of the
phenomenon to the exclusion of other understandings
(Lakoff & Johnson, 1980)
• Prologue – locating the debate, myself,
claims and disclaimers
• Introduction – possible approaches to the
curriculum as contested and contesting space
• Mapping the ‘field’ of curriculum
transformation – who/what is on the
table and who decides, and why does it matter…
• Four discursive spaces of enunciation for
making sense of curriculum transformation
• Hope, the abandonment of hope and the future
of white curriculum scholarship
• (In)conclusions
• Epilogue
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Different possible approaches:
• Everything is awesome – why transform the curriculum? Worst case scenario:
Can we change the admission requirements to allow more disadvantaged
students? Can we add a module or two?
• Current curricula are fundamentally rigged and we need to address racism,
capitalism, colonialism, heteropatriarchy, nationalism. Implications: We need
to redefine what is valuable knowledge – epistemological change
• Current curricula are unfixable and we need to formulate alternatives, hack
the system, occupy the curriculum and/or hold the hand of the current
system and wait for it to die. Implications: We need to redefine what it means
to be human – ontological change
de Oliveira Andreotti, Stein, Ahenakew, & Hunt, 2015
We need to ask – who are the ‘we’ that must/want to transform
the curriculum? Who are doing the talking? Who is included? Who
is excluded? Who determines what is valuable knowledge? What
are the criteria? Who are the gatekeepers?
Who am I? What/who gives me
the right to speak?
How do I as a 56 years old, white, gay male talk about and
participate in talking about the transformation of the
How do I disentangle my tentative contribution from my position
of being a settler, having grown up in settler communities,
schools, and going to a settler university where the language of
tuition was a settler language, where people of displaced
communities and their epistemologies were marginalised and
(See Tuck & Yang, 2012; Tuck & Gaztambide-FernĂĄndez, 2013)
My thinking about transforming the curriculum cannot be
disconnected from the intersecting and often incommensurable
(see Boellstorff, 2005) dynamics of race, my sex, my gender and
my age in the particular context of South Africa and the African
“Each of these tags has a meaning, and a
penalty and a responsibility”
(Achebe in an interview with Appiah, 1995, p. 103).
I accept moral innocence as an
• I belief there are some things that education (on its own)
cannot do…
Degrees cannot fix the cumulative effect of structural racism
that doesn’t just reinforce the link between family wealth and
returns to educational attainment in the labour market but
exists as a primary function of that link
(McMillan Cottom, 2014, par. 17)
To “expand education in an unequal society without a
redistribution of resources, you will [merely] reproduce
(McMillan Cottom in Prinsloo, 2015a)
• I also believe that knowledge is not an unqualified good.
“The uses of knowledge will always be shifting and crooked as
humans are themselves. Humans use what they know to meet their
most urgent needs – even if the result is ruin”
(Gray, 2002, p. 28; emphasis added)
• I don’t belief in the redemptive power of the neoliberal mantra of
progress and unchecked growth.
“History is not an ascending spiral of human advance, or even an inch-
by inch crawl to a better world. It is an unending cycle in which
changing knowledge interacts with unchanging human needs. Freedom
is recurrently won and lost in an alternation that includes long periods
of anarchy and tyranny, and there is no reason to suppose that this
cycle will ever end”
(Gray, 2004, p. 3; emphasis added)
• No curriculum is neutral
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Who are the ‘we’ ?
What is included &
The role and power of the gatekeepers
The role and mandate of
higher education
The scope and impact of
The macro and institutional
contexts and their impact
The language of the curriculum
The curriculum as
Who are the
‘we’ ?
The curriculum as
The edifice of the professoriate (Maserumule, 2015)
• In 2014 at Unisa, of the total of 504 associate and full professors, 68%
were over the age of 50 (Prinsloo, 2014)
• In the South African higher education context only 14% of university
professors are black (Van der Merwe, 2014)
• The vast majority of researchers in South African higher education
are still white and male (Habib, Price & Mabelebele, 2014)
• In the context of the UK, female professors “now account for 23% of
professors” (Grove, 2016, par. 8)
• In the North American context, there are not only fewer women at
the top of the academic hierarchy, but they are also paid less than
men (Mason, 2011), and accounts for only 23% of the professoriate.
Male academics have a 4-to-1 chance of being interviewed compared
to female scholars in the same field (Dione, 2013)
• Let us also not forget the role of publishing houses such as
Pearson, Wiley-Blackwell, Springer and many others in determining
worthwhile and valuable knowledge
• The role of celebrity professor – who also happen to be white and
male – in the context of massive open online courses (MOOCs)
offered by a range of Ivy League and other alliances from North-
Atlantic contexts (Burd, Smith, & Reisman, 2014; Czerniewicz,
Deacon, Small, & Walji, 2014; Fournier, Kop, & Durand, 2014)
• We also have to consider the role of regulatory bodies, industry
and accrediting authorities who, often, don’t necessarily see higher
education’s role as serving social justice and interrupting neoliberal
discourses and breaking cycles of economic and societal
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Often, missing from
development projects
are students as
official stakeholders…
Or maybe they are
there – unofficially -
occupying campuses,
protesting, using
social media
campaigns to produce
(e.g. #RhodesMustFall,
What is included
& excluded?
The curriculum as
• Our curricula is whiter than the Oscars
How is it possible that the canon of thought in all the disciplines
of the Social Sciences and Humanities in the Westernised
university is based on the knowledge produced by a few men
from five countries in Western Europe (Italy, France, England,
Germany and the USA)?
How is it possible that men from these five countries achieved
such an epistemic privilege to the point that their knowledge
today is considered superior over the knowledge of the rest of
the world? How did they come to monopolise the authority of
knowledge in the world?
Why is it that what we know today as social, historical,
philosophical, or Critical Theory is based on the socio-historical
experience and world views of men from these five countries?
(Grosfoguel, 2013, p. 74)
What are the “absences and
silences” (Morley, 2012) in our
curricula? And why?
Who is ‘invisible’ and who is
‘invisible’ in our curricula?
“…how do you make people look
at you when they can’t even see
you? How do you make them
take notice in the first place?”
(Murphy, 2016, par. 11)
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The curriculum is a “contested space” (Prinsloo, 2007)
and “an arena of struggle” (Shay, 2015)
Image credit: Canadian Gunners in the Mud, Passchendaele by Lieutenant Alfred Bastien, 1917, oil on canvas. Retrieved from,
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“The tectonic layers of our lives rest so tightly against earlier
events in later ones, not as matter that has been fully formed and
pushed aside, but absolutely present and alive” (Booth 1999:260;
emphasis added)
The ‘what’ of the
curriculum is
determined by those
who lay claim to own
the future …
… and they will protect
their claim at all cost
The role and power of the
The curriculum as
• The professoriate, many with a “collective amnesia”
(Olusoga, 2016), selective memory and/or wilful and
stubborn ignorance
• The retired professoriate who ‘speaks from the grave’
• Commercial curriculum development service
• The disciplines
• Regulatory bodies and industry
• Accrediting authorities
• Massive open online courses (MOOC) providers
• Publishing houses and the oligopoly of academic
publishers (Larivière, Haustein, & Mongeon, 2015)?
The role and
mandate of higher
The curriculum as
• There are multiple and often contradictory claims regarding the
changing role of higher education in the 21st century (eg Barnett 2000;
2009; Blackmore, 2001)
• Curricula are direct responses to the impact of neoliberal capitalisms
– with higher education as the ‘handmaiden’ of corporations in an
“age of money and profit, [where] academic disciplines gain stature
almost exclusively through their exchange value on the market, and
students now rush to take courses and receive professional credentials
that provide them with the cache they need to sell themselves to the
higher bidder” (Giroux 2003, p. 182)
• Blackmore (2001) talks about “academic capitalism” where academics
“sell their expertise to the highest bidder, research collaboratively, and
teaching on/off line, locally and internationally”
• The corporatisation of higher education (Diefenbach, 2007)
• Globalisation (Barnett 2000; Blackmore 2001)
• Universities are no longer the “primary producers, determiners,
transmitters, and authorisers of valued knowledge” (Blackmore, 2001,
p. 353; see also Barnett, 2000)
• Higher education as “moral and political practice” means to “educate
students for active and critical citizenship” (Giroux, 2003, p.193)
The scope and
impact of
The curriculum as
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I click therefore I am. I click therefore I
Networks not only include but also
exclude (people, knowledge, access,
Networks not only open up and reveal,
but also close, censor, and filter (Carr,
2011; Pariser, 2011)
Not everyone is connected, but everyone
is affected (Castells, 2009; World Bank,
The quality of information, the need for
verification, the need for counter-
narratives, the need for critical
engagement and confrontation
The macro and
contexts and their
impactThe curriculum as
Image credit: Found on Facebook
• “Runaway inequality” (Oxfam, 2016) structured according to race
(Moore, 2015)(Also see Piketty, 2015)
• Higher education contributes to the increasing stratification of
society (Wakeling & Savage, 2015)
• Increasing number of unemployed – classified as “disposable”,
“collateral casualties of progress” (Bauman, 2004, p.12, 15), a new
underclass – the “precariat” (Standing, 2011)
• “…pathological consumption has become so normalised that we
scarcely notice it” (Monbiot, 2012)
• Looking for a middle-ground between forgiveness and restitution,
revenge versus justice (Jirsa, 2004) caught in the dialectic between
apartheid, Ubuntu and nation-building (Marx, 2002)
• The age of the anthropocene or capitalocene (Moore, 2016), the
fourth industrial revolution (Schwab, 2016), and a new Dark Age
characterised by global warming, water shortages and climate
refugees, unstoppable global migrations, and non-state actors with
extreme weapons, to mention but a few of the elements of the 21st
century explored by Martin (2007)
The “McDonaldisation” of higher education
with the mantra of efficiency,
quantification, calculability, predictability
and control. Changes in funding regimes
resulted in the directive that “funding …
follows performance rather than precedes
it” (Hartley, 1995, p. 418).
(Also see Altbach, Reisberg, & Rumbley,2009)
The professoriate is also compelled to do more with less, while being
blamed for “the ever-expanding list of the university’s system’s
(Altbach & Finkelstein, 2014, par. 3)
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In the North American context,
“… research universities will have three
classes of professors, like the airlines. A
small first-class cabin of researchers, a
business-class section of academics
who will teach and do some research,
and a large economy cabin of poorly
paid teachers
(Altbach & Finkelstein, 2014, par. 16)
The “all administrative university”
(Ginsberg quoted by Giroux, 2014a,
par. 1)
Professorships as tenured or full-time
faculty are becoming increasingly
disposable features of neoliberal
higher education (Giroux, 2014b) as
the number of adjunct faculty and
administrative staff members far
exceed the appointment of academics
(Giroux, 2014a)…
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The language of the curriculum
The curriculum as
It is impossible (and disingenuous) to disentangle the language of the
curriculum from structural arrangements resulting from and
endorsed by colonialism and apartheid. We cannot and should not
underestimate the role language as vehicle of worldview, knowledge
claims and ways-of-being-in-the-world played and continue to play in
curriculum development
The language of the curriculum provides me not only with the
curriculum, but also coerces me into seeing the world through the
eyes of that language and forces me to participate in using that
language as meaning-making-system in positioning my scholarship
and being in the world
How do we empower students to not only be competent in
settler languages but also have a critical understanding of the
embedded and often hidden assumptions, epistemologies and
ontologies that are part of the DNA of disciplinary, settler and
other languages?
We also cannot and should not ignore the fact that our students
and graduates need to be able to understand and participate in
local and international scholarly and societal discourses which use
settler languages.
How will we empower our students to participate in these
discourses in settler languages and formulate contesting and
counter-narratives and worldviews?
The language of the curriculum is not neutral. The issues
surrounding choosing a language of curricula and teaching are
complex and often contradictory. Despite these difficulties, we
cannot and should not ignore thinking critically about the
language of the curriculum.
Who are the ‘we’ ?
What is included &
The role and power of the gatekeepers
The role and mandate of
higher education
The scope and impact of
The macro and institutional
contexts and their impact
The language of the curriculum
The curriculum as
Radical-reform space Beyond-reform space
Modernity’s life support Modernity’s palliative care
Never have
The game is awesome! Everyone can
win once we know the rules
The game is rigged, so if we
want to win we need to change
the rules
The game is harmful and
makes us immature, but we’re
stuck playing
Playing the game
does not make sense
Race, capital,
as modernity
Other modes
of existence
based on
? ?
(Adapted from de Oliveira Andreotti, Stein, Ahenakew, & Hunt, 2015,p. 25)
The game is awesome! Everyone can
win once we know the rules
The game is rigged, so if we
want to win we need to change
the rules
The game is harmful and
makes us immature, but we’re
stuck playing
Playing the game
does not make sense
Soft-reform space Radical-reform space Beyond-reform space
“… we [I] cannot not be White. And we [I] cannot undo what Whiteness
has done. We [I] can only start from where we are and who we are”
(Michael, 2015, par. 13). I therefore cannot undo my whiteness. I carry
with my race its legacy, its guilt, its penalties and its futures
(also see Hall, 2015)
“As White scholars, we are overwhelmed by the weight of our own
complicity, and unable to submit to racism’s irreconcilability, we yearn
to rationalise it, cure it, erase it, control it. We do this, in part, by fitting
it into our progress narrative, asserting that we have valiantly overcome
our own racism and imaging a future in which racism will no longer
(Maudlin, 2014, p. 147)
“We must acknowledge the ways that White supremacy continues to
shape the field, and relinquish the hope that we can preserve the
humanist project without invoking its racist assumptions”
(Maudlin, 2014, p. 148)
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“After all, without hope there is little that we can do”
(Freire, 1994, p. 9)
‘Maybe’ comes with no guarantees, only a chance. But ‘maybe’
has always been the best odds the world has offered to those
who set out to alter its course – to find a new land across the
sea, to end slavery, to enable women to vote, to walk on the
moon, to bring down the Berlin Wall.
‘Maybe’ is not a cautious word. It is a defiant claim of possibility
in the face of a status quo we are unwilling to accept… (Young in
the Foreword to Westley, Zimmerman & Patton 2006)
Paul Prinsloo (Prof)
Research Professor in Open Distance Learning (ODL)
College of Economic and Management Sciences, Office number 3-15, Club 1,
Hazelwood, P O Box 392
Unisa, 0003, Republic of South Africa
T: +27 (0) 12 433 4719 (office)
T: +27 (0) 82 3954 113 (mobile)
Skype: paul.prinsloo59
Personal blog:
Twitter profile: @14prinsp
References and additional reading list
Altbach, P.G., Reisberg, L., & Rumbley, L.E. (2009). Trends in global higher education: Tracking an academic
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Altbach, P.G., & Finkelstein, M.J. (2014, October 7). Forgetting the faculty. InsideHigherEd. Retrieved from
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References and additional reading list
Barnett, R. (2009). Knowing and becoming in the higher education curriculum, Studies in Higher Education,
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References and additional reading list
Brabazon, T. (2007). The university of Google. Education in the (post)information age. Hampshire, UK: Ashgate.
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References and additional reading list
de Oliveira Andreotti, V., Stein, S., Ahenakew, C., & Hunt, D. (2015). Mapping interpretations of decolonization in
the context of higher education. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 4(1), 21-40.
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References and additional reading list
Giroux, H. (2014b, April 8). Neoliberalism and the machinery of disposability. TruthOut. [Web log post].
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References and additional reading list
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References and additional reading list
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References and additional reading list
Murphy, M. (2016, January 9). The costs of being invisible. Social Theory Applied (online). Retrieved from
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Petrina, S. (2004). The politics of curriculum and instructional design/theory/form: critical problems, projects,
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Peters, M.A. (2013). Managerialism and the neoliberal university: prospects for new forms of ‘open
management’ in higher education. Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice, 5(1), 11—26.
Piketty, T. (2015). Capital in the twenty-first century. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer. Cambridge, Mass: The
Bellknap Press of Harvard University Press.
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transition. A monograph containing selected papers from the African Conference on Higher Education held in
September 2006, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa. University of South Africa, 44–59.
References and additional reading list
Prinsloo, P. (2014, October 22). Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin: researcher identity and performance. Retrieved
Prinsloo, P. (2015a). Making sense of access: Access to what? At what cost? For whom? [Web log post].
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Prinsloo, P. (2015b). Of heresies, heretics, and the (im)possibility of hope in higher education. [Web log post].
Retrieved from
Rhoades, G., & Slaughter, S. (2004). Academic capitalism in the new economy: markets, state, and higher
education. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Saccaro, M. (2014, September 21). Professors on food stamps: The shocking true story of academia in 2014.
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American Academy of Religion, 55(1), 3-19.
Scott, D.L. (2012, October 16). How higher education in the US was destroyed in 5 basic steps. AlterNet. [Web
log post]. Retrieved from
References and additional reading list
Schwab, K. (2016, 14 January). The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond. World
Economic Forum (online). Retrieved from
Shay, S. (2015). Curriculum reform in higher education: a contested space. Teaching in Higher Education, 20(4),
Staley, D.J. (2015). The future of the university: speculative design for innovation in higher education.
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Standing, G. (2011). The precariat. The new dangerous class. London, UK: Bloomsbury.
Taylor, C. (2015, October 25). University strategic plans: a world of superlatives and meaningless aspiration.
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Thomson, P. (2012). Field. In M. Grenfell (ed.). Pierre Bourdieu. Key concepts (pp. 65—82) Durham, UK: Acumen
Tuck, E., & Yang, K. W. (2012). Decolonization is not a metaphor. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education &
Society, 1(1), 1-40.
Tuck, E., & Gaztambide-FernĂĄndez, R. A. (2013). Curriculum, replacement, and settler futurity. Journal of
Curriculum Theorizing, 29(1), 72-89.
Van der Merwe, J. (2014, August 3). Where are our black academics? City Press. Retrieved from
References and additional reading list
Verhaeghe, P. (2014, September 29). Neoliberalism has brought out the worst in us. [Web log post]. The
Guardian. Retrieved from
Watters, A. (2012). Unbundling and unmooring: technology and the higher ed tsunami. EDUCAUSEreview,
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Random House.
World Bank. (2016). World development report – digital dividends. Washington: Word Bank. Retrieved from

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Curricula as contested and contesting spaces: Geographies of identity, resistance and desire

  • 1. Curricula as contested and contesting spaces: Geographies of identity, resistance and desire By Paul Prinsloo (University of South Africa) Image credit: Presentation at Transforming the Curriculum: South African Imperatives and 21st Century Possibilities University of Pretoria, 28 January 2016
  • 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I do not own the copyright of any of the images in this presentation. I therefore acknowledge the original copyright and licensing regime of every image used. This presentation (excluding the images) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
  • 3. The Fight Between Carnival and Lent, Pieter Bruegel 1559, Den Bosch. Image credit:
  • 4. “… pattern-making devices that situate or locate patterns within their larger social contexts; they are [also] decentering devices” (Bedoes, Schimpf & Pawley, 2014, p.3; emphasis added) A well-chosen metaphor “is one of our most important tools for trying to comprehend partially what cannot be comprehended totally…” (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980, p. 193) The metaphors we use to describe and understand phenomena are not benign but are consciously chosen to assist us in understanding a particular phenomenon, and also shape future understandings of the phenomenon to the exclusion of other understandings (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) METAPHORS AND VISUAL ELEMENTS ARE…
  • 5. OVERVIEW OF THE PRESENTATION • Prologue – locating the debate, myself, claims and disclaimers • Introduction – possible approaches to the curriculum as contested and contesting space • Mapping the ‘field’ of curriculum transformation – who/what is on the table and who decides, and why does it matter… • Four discursive spaces of enunciation for making sense of curriculum transformation • Hope, the abandonment of hope and the future of white curriculum scholarship • (In)conclusions • Epilogue Image credit: le:1847_Levasseur_Map_of_Africa_- _Geographicus_-_Africa-levasseur- 1847.jpg Image credit: pin-marker-position-304467/
  • 6. TRANFORMING THE CURRICULUM: SOUTH AFRICAN IMPERATIVES AND 21ST CENTURY POSSIBILITIES Different possible approaches: • Everything is awesome – why transform the curriculum? Worst case scenario: Can we change the admission requirements to allow more disadvantaged students? Can we add a module or two? • Current curricula are fundamentally rigged and we need to address racism, capitalism, colonialism, heteropatriarchy, nationalism. Implications: We need to redefine what is valuable knowledge – epistemological change • Current curricula are unfixable and we need to formulate alternatives, hack the system, occupy the curriculum and/or hold the hand of the current system and wait for it to die. Implications: We need to redefine what it means to be human – ontological change de Oliveira Andreotti, Stein, Ahenakew, & Hunt, 2015
  • 7. MAKING THE INVISIBLE VISIBLE We need to ask – who are the ‘we’ that must/want to transform the curriculum? Who are doing the talking? Who is included? Who is excluded? Who determines what is valuable knowledge? What are the criteria? Who are the gatekeepers? Who?
  • 8. Who am I? What/who gives me the right to speak? How do I as a 56 years old, white, gay male talk about and participate in talking about the transformation of the curriculum? How do I disentangle my tentative contribution from my position of being a settler, having grown up in settler communities, schools, and going to a settler university where the language of tuition was a settler language, where people of displaced communities and their epistemologies were marginalised and excluded? (See Tuck & Yang, 2012; Tuck & Gaztambide-FernĂĄndez, 2013)
  • 9. My thinking about transforming the curriculum cannot be disconnected from the intersecting and often incommensurable (see Boellstorff, 2005) dynamics of race, my sex, my gender and my age in the particular context of South Africa and the African continent. “Each of these tags has a meaning, and a penalty and a responsibility” (Achebe in an interview with Appiah, 1995, p. 103).
  • 10. I accept moral innocence as an impossibility
  • 11. SOME CLAIMS AND DISCLAIMERS • I belief there are some things that education (on its own) cannot do… Degrees cannot fix the cumulative effect of structural racism that doesn’t just reinforce the link between family wealth and returns to educational attainment in the labour market but exists as a primary function of that link (McMillan Cottom, 2014, par. 17) To “expand education in an unequal society without a redistribution of resources, you will [merely] reproduce inequality” (McMillan Cottom in Prinsloo, 2015a)
  • 12. SOME MORE CLAIMS AND DISCLAIMERS • I also believe that knowledge is not an unqualified good. “The uses of knowledge will always be shifting and crooked as humans are themselves. Humans use what they know to meet their most urgent needs – even if the result is ruin” (Gray, 2002, p. 28; emphasis added) • I don’t belief in the redemptive power of the neoliberal mantra of progress and unchecked growth. “History is not an ascending spiral of human advance, or even an inch- by inch crawl to a better world. It is an unending cycle in which changing knowledge interacts with unchanging human needs. Freedom is recurrently won and lost in an alternation that includes long periods of anarchy and tyranny, and there is no reason to suppose that this cycle will ever end” (Gray, 2004, p. 3; emphasis added)
  • 13. FINAL CLAIM/DISCLAIMER • No curriculum is neutral Image credit: Image credit: 59ab3c2
  • 14. MAPPING CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION Who are the ‘we’ ? What is included & excluded? The role and power of the gatekeepers The role and mandate of higher education The scope and impact of technology The macro and institutional contexts and their impact The language of the curriculum The curriculum as contested/contesting space
  • 15. MAPPING CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION Who are the ‘we’ ? The curriculum as contested/contesting space
  • 16.
  • 17. The edifice of the professoriate (Maserumule, 2015) • In 2014 at Unisa, of the total of 504 associate and full professors, 68% were over the age of 50 (Prinsloo, 2014) • In the South African higher education context only 14% of university professors are black (Van der Merwe, 2014) • The vast majority of researchers in South African higher education are still white and male (Habib, Price & Mabelebele, 2014) • In the context of the UK, female professors “now account for 23% of professors” (Grove, 2016, par. 8) • In the North American context, there are not only fewer women at the top of the academic hierarchy, but they are also paid less than men (Mason, 2011), and accounts for only 23% of the professoriate. Male academics have a 4-to-1 chance of being interviewed compared to female scholars in the same field (Dione, 2013)
  • 18. • Let us also not forget the role of publishing houses such as Pearson, Wiley-Blackwell, Springer and many others in determining worthwhile and valuable knowledge • The role of celebrity professor – who also happen to be white and male – in the context of massive open online courses (MOOCs) offered by a range of Ivy League and other alliances from North- Atlantic contexts (Burd, Smith, & Reisman, 2014; Czerniewicz, Deacon, Small, & Walji, 2014; Fournier, Kop, & Durand, 2014) • We also have to consider the role of regulatory bodies, industry and accrediting authorities who, often, don’t necessarily see higher education’s role as serving social justice and interrupting neoliberal discourses and breaking cycles of economic and societal inequalities
  • 19. Image credit: Often, missing from curriculum development projects are students as official stakeholders… Or maybe they are there – unofficially - occupying campuses, protesting, using social media campaigns to produce counter-narratives (e.g. #RhodesMustFall, #BlackLivesMatter)
  • 20. MAPPING CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION (2) What is included & excluded? The curriculum as contested/contesting space
  • 21. • Our curricula is whiter than the Oscars Source:
  • 22. How is it possible that the canon of thought in all the disciplines of the Social Sciences and Humanities in the Westernised university is based on the knowledge produced by a few men from five countries in Western Europe (Italy, France, England, Germany and the USA)? How is it possible that men from these five countries achieved such an epistemic privilege to the point that their knowledge today is considered superior over the knowledge of the rest of the world? How did they come to monopolise the authority of knowledge in the world? Why is it that what we know today as social, historical, philosophical, or Critical Theory is based on the socio-historical experience and world views of men from these five countries? (Grosfoguel, 2013, p. 74)
  • 23. What are the “absences and silences” (Morley, 2012) in our curricula? And why? Who is ‘invisible’ and who is ‘invisible’ in our curricula? “…how do you make people look at you when they can’t even see you? How do you make them take notice in the first place?” (Murphy, 2016, par. 11) Image credit:
  • 24. The curriculum is a “contested space” (Prinsloo, 2007) and “an arena of struggle” (Shay, 2015) Image credit: Canadian Gunners in the Mud, Passchendaele by Lieutenant Alfred Bastien, 1917, oil on canvas. Retrieved from,
  • 25. Image credit: “The tectonic layers of our lives rest so tightly against earlier events in later ones, not as matter that has been fully formed and pushed aside, but absolutely present and alive” (Booth 1999:260; emphasis added)
  • 26. The ‘what’ of the curriculum is determined by those who lay claim to own the future … … and they will protect their claim at all cost
  • 27. MAPPING CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION (3) The role and power of the gatekeepers The curriculum as contested/contesting space
  • 28. • The professoriate, many with a “collective amnesia” (Olusoga, 2016), selective memory and/or wilful and stubborn ignorance • The retired professoriate who ‘speaks from the grave’ • Commercial curriculum development service providers • The disciplines • Regulatory bodies and industry • Accrediting authorities • Massive open online courses (MOOC) providers • Publishing houses and the oligopoly of academic publishers (Larivière, Haustein, & Mongeon, 2015)?
  • 29. MAPPING CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION (4) The role and mandate of higher education The curriculum as contested/contesting space
  • 30. • There are multiple and often contradictory claims regarding the changing role of higher education in the 21st century (eg Barnett 2000; 2009; Blackmore, 2001) • Curricula are direct responses to the impact of neoliberal capitalisms – with higher education as the ‘handmaiden’ of corporations in an “age of money and profit, [where] academic disciplines gain stature almost exclusively through their exchange value on the market, and students now rush to take courses and receive professional credentials that provide them with the cache they need to sell themselves to the higher bidder” (Giroux 2003, p. 182)
  • 31. • Blackmore (2001) talks about “academic capitalism” where academics “sell their expertise to the highest bidder, research collaboratively, and teaching on/off line, locally and internationally” • The corporatisation of higher education (Diefenbach, 2007) • Globalisation (Barnett 2000; Blackmore 2001) • Universities are no longer the “primary producers, determiners, transmitters, and authorisers of valued knowledge” (Blackmore, 2001, p. 353; see also Barnett, 2000) • Higher education as “moral and political practice” means to “educate students for active and critical citizenship” (Giroux, 2003, p.193)
  • 32. MAPPING CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION (5) The scope and impact of technology The curriculum as contested/contesting space
  • 33. Image credit: I click therefore I am. I click therefore I know Networks not only include but also exclude (people, knowledge, access, power) Networks not only open up and reveal, but also close, censor, and filter (Carr, 2011; Pariser, 2011) Not everyone is connected, but everyone is affected (Castells, 2009; World Bank, 2016) The quality of information, the need for verification, the need for counter- narratives, the need for critical engagement and confrontation
  • 34. MAPPING CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION (6) The macro and institutional contexts and their impactThe curriculum as contested/contesting space
  • 35. Image credit: Found on Facebook
  • 36. • “Runaway inequality” (Oxfam, 2016) structured according to race (Moore, 2015)(Also see Piketty, 2015) • Higher education contributes to the increasing stratification of society (Wakeling & Savage, 2015) • Increasing number of unemployed – classified as “disposable”, “collateral casualties of progress” (Bauman, 2004, p.12, 15), a new underclass – the “precariat” (Standing, 2011) • “…pathological consumption has become so normalised that we scarcely notice it” (Monbiot, 2012)
  • 37. • Looking for a middle-ground between forgiveness and restitution, revenge versus justice (Jirsa, 2004) caught in the dialectic between apartheid, Ubuntu and nation-building (Marx, 2002) • The age of the anthropocene or capitalocene (Moore, 2016), the fourth industrial revolution (Schwab, 2016), and a new Dark Age characterised by global warming, water shortages and climate refugees, unstoppable global migrations, and non-state actors with extreme weapons, to mention but a few of the elements of the 21st century explored by Martin (2007)
  • 38. The “McDonaldisation” of higher education with the mantra of efficiency, quantification, calculability, predictability and control. Changes in funding regimes resulted in the directive that “funding … follows performance rather than precedes it” (Hartley, 1995, p. 418). (Also see Altbach, Reisberg, & Rumbley,2009) The professoriate is also compelled to do more with less, while being blamed for “the ever-expanding list of the university’s system’s shortcomings” (Altbach & Finkelstein, 2014, par. 3) Image credit:
  • 39. Image credit: In the North American context, “… research universities will have three classes of professors, like the airlines. A small first-class cabin of researchers, a business-class section of academics who will teach and do some research, and a large economy cabin of poorly paid teachers (Altbach & Finkelstein, 2014, par. 16)
  • 40. The “all administrative university” (Ginsberg quoted by Giroux, 2014a, par. 1) Professorships as tenured or full-time faculty are becoming increasingly disposable features of neoliberal higher education (Giroux, 2014b) as the number of adjunct faculty and administrative staff members far exceed the appointment of academics (Giroux, 2014a)… Image credit:
  • 41. MAPPING CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION (7) The language of the curriculum The curriculum as contested/contesting space
  • 42. It is impossible (and disingenuous) to disentangle the language of the curriculum from structural arrangements resulting from and endorsed by colonialism and apartheid. We cannot and should not underestimate the role language as vehicle of worldview, knowledge claims and ways-of-being-in-the-world played and continue to play in curriculum development The language of the curriculum provides me not only with the curriculum, but also coerces me into seeing the world through the eyes of that language and forces me to participate in using that language as meaning-making-system in positioning my scholarship and being in the world
  • 43. How do we empower students to not only be competent in settler languages but also have a critical understanding of the embedded and often hidden assumptions, epistemologies and ontologies that are part of the DNA of disciplinary, settler and other languages?
  • 44. We also cannot and should not ignore the fact that our students and graduates need to be able to understand and participate in local and international scholarly and societal discourses which use settler languages. How will we empower our students to participate in these discourses in settler languages and formulate contesting and counter-narratives and worldviews? The language of the curriculum is not neutral. The issues surrounding choosing a language of curricula and teaching are complex and often contradictory. Despite these difficulties, we cannot and should not ignore thinking critically about the language of the curriculum.
  • 45. ENGAGING WITH THE CURRICULUM AS CONTESTED AND CONTESTING SPACE Who are the ‘we’ ? What is included & excluded? The role and power of the gatekeepers The role and mandate of higher education The scope and impact of technology The macro and institutional contexts and their impact The language of the curriculum The curriculum as contested/contesting space
  • 46. Soft-reform space Radical-reform space Beyond-reform space Modernity’s life support Modernity’s palliative care Recognitionofepistemologicalhegemony Never have been happier, healthier, wealthier Problems addressed through personal transformation Problems addressed through institutional change The game is awesome! Everyone can win once we know the rules The game is rigged, so if we want to win we need to change the rules The game is harmful and makes us immature, but we’re stuck playing Playing the game does not make sense Recognitionofontologicalhegemony Recognitionofmetaphysicalentrapment Racism Capitalism Colonialism Heteropatriarchy Nationalism Race, capital, heteropatriarchy as modernity (unfixable) Alternatives with guarantees Hacking Hospicing Other modes of existence based on different cosmologies ? ? (Adapted from de Oliveira Andreotti, Stein, Ahenakew, & Hunt, 2015,p. 25) FOUR SPACES OF ENUNCIATION
  • 47. (IN)CONCLUSIONS The game is awesome! Everyone can win once we know the rules The game is rigged, so if we want to win we need to change the rules The game is harmful and makes us immature, but we’re stuck playing Playing the game does not make sense Soft-reform space Radical-reform space Beyond-reform space
  • 48. EPILOGUE “… we [I] cannot not be White. And we [I] cannot undo what Whiteness has done. We [I] can only start from where we are and who we are” (Michael, 2015, par. 13). I therefore cannot undo my whiteness. I carry with my race its legacy, its guilt, its penalties and its futures (also see Hall, 2015) “As White scholars, we are overwhelmed by the weight of our own complicity, and unable to submit to racism’s irreconcilability, we yearn to rationalise it, cure it, erase it, control it. We do this, in part, by fitting it into our progress narrative, asserting that we have valiantly overcome our own racism and imaging a future in which racism will no longer exist” (Maudlin, 2014, p. 147)
  • 49. EPILOGUE “We must acknowledge the ways that White supremacy continues to shape the field, and relinquish the hope that we can preserve the humanist project without invoking its racist assumptions” (Maudlin, 2014, p. 148) Image credit:
  • 50. “After all, without hope there is little that we can do” (Freire, 1994, p. 9) ‘Maybe’ comes with no guarantees, only a chance. But ‘maybe’ has always been the best odds the world has offered to those who set out to alter its course – to find a new land across the sea, to end slavery, to enable women to vote, to walk on the moon, to bring down the Berlin Wall. ‘Maybe’ is not a cautious word. It is a defiant claim of possibility in the face of a status quo we are unwilling to accept… (Young in the Foreword to Westley, Zimmerman & Patton 2006)
  • 51. THANK YOU Paul Prinsloo (Prof) Research Professor in Open Distance Learning (ODL) College of Economic and Management Sciences, Office number 3-15, Club 1, Hazelwood, P O Box 392 Unisa, 0003, Republic of South Africa T: +27 (0) 12 433 4719 (office) T: +27 (0) 82 3954 113 (mobile) Skype: paul.prinsloo59 Personal blog: Twitter profile: @14prinsp
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