Shoshana Zuboff :
A Digital Declaration

Von Shoshana Zuboff
Lesezeit: 14 Min.
Wenn die digitale Zukunft unsere Heimat sein soll, dann sind wir es, die sie dazu machen müssen: Shoshana Zuboff bei ihrer Eröffnungsrede am Sanssouci Media Colloquium letzte Woche
If the digital future is to be our home, then it is we who must make it so. Against the Surveillance Capitalism of „Big Data“.


In the cove below our window a pair of loons returns each  spring from their distant travels. For many months we are lulled to sleep by their cries of homecoming, renewal, and protection. Green turtles hatch on the beach and go down to the sea where they travel thousands of miles for a decade or two before they retrace the path to that patch of beach and lay their eggs.

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