
The Blended Synchronous Learning Handbook is the primary output of the Blended Synchronous Learning Project. It includes the summative findings of the Blended Synchronous Learning case studies, a Blended Synchronous Learning Design Framework, and a range of other resources and information to support blended synchronous learning design research and practice.

The Blended Synchronous Learning Handbook can be downloaded from here (4.77 MB).
If you would like an at-cost printed version it can be purchased from Amazon for around $US24.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Overview
Chapter 2: Background Literature and Context
Chapter 3: The Blended Synchronous Learning Scoping Study
Chapter 4: Rich-Media Synchronous Learning Technology Capabilities
Chapter 5: Overview of Case Study Reports
Chapter 6: Case Study 1 – Web Conferencing to Develop Investment Understanding
Chapter 7: Case Study 2 – Room-based Video Conferencing to Develop Understanding of Healthcare Quality Improvement Approaches
Chapter 8: Case Study 3 – Web Conferencing to Support Microscopic Tissue Analysis
Chapter 9: Case Study 4 – Web Conferencing For Participation in Statistics Tutorials
Chapter 10: Case Study 5 – Virtual Worlds to Facilitate Chinese Language Learning
Chapter 11: Case Study 6 – Web Conferencing to Enable Presence in Sexology
Chapter 12: Case Study 7 – Virtual Worlds For Teacher Education
Chapter 13: Cross Case Analysis
Chapter 14: Recommendations and Future Directions

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