Sunday, April 14, 2013

Pick My NCTM Sessions For Me. Please.

I'm pretty sure if there was an award (or perhaps a badge?) for "Worst picker of sessions at any educational conference", I would be in contention. So, on the off-chance that anyone still reads this thing, I'd like to enlist your help. I'll be attending most of Thursday and Friday of the 2013 NCTM National Conference in Denver this week. (Arriving late on Friday as I have to teach my first period Algebra class first, leaving relatively early each day as I need to pick up my daughter at 4:30 after track practice. Not going Saturday because same child is doing Science Olympiad that day.)

I've done a quick run-through of the available sessions on Thursday and Friday and tagged some that looked interesting using the leaves-much-to-be-desired-online-conference-planner thingy. "Interesting" for me right now involves any of the following: Relates to Algebra I, relates to technology use in Mathematics, relates to early elementary mathematics (my wife teaches 1st grade and doesn't get to go), or is presented by someone that I'd like to see present. (And, occasionally, one just seems interesting.)

What I'd like from you is advice, and perhaps your vote. I've created this quick Google Form to ask for your "votes" for each time slot, as well as any comments you'd like to leave about the choices (or something that I didn't pick that you'd highly recommend). I'm particularly interested if you can recommend a speaker based on your experience attending one of their sessions. I've listed all of the sessions I could possibly attend, including ones that I can only attend if my daughter's track practice is cancelled or I can get over my guilt at being gone and also talk someone into covering my Algebra class on Friday morning.

So, here's the form - I would appreciate your input (and passing it along to others for input). All submitted results (if there are any) will be available for everyone to see online.

For additional reference, here are Dan's, Christopher's, and Raymond's session plans, as well as this post on tech-related sessions and the Math Recap site.

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