Shepherd, J. (2010) Cash-starved universities will have huge classes, says union, The Guardian, January 12

It’s only twelve days into January, and there is already evidence for one of my fears for 2010 that I predicted in Great expectations for e-learning in 2010.

Britain, with a massive debt due to economic stimulus and a ballooning annual deficit in its trade, is an extreme example of what most public higher education systems will face over the next few years (California is another).

It will be interesting to see which of the options available to British (and Californian) universities that I set out in the blog will be taken. Whatever option is taken, it is time for fundamental change.

In this context, it is interesting to read Joshua Kim’s blog ‘Our biggest expense‘ in Inside Higher Education’s Blog U. Reckoning he will need to find $500,000 to see his kids through university, he notes that:

we are committed to doing whatever it takes to get our kids through the most expensive and bundled education system at the same time when learning is becoming unbundled and cheap.



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