certificate in adult
education introduction to instruction
section 1

Notes Page for Slide Chain2 [CH2]

A Self-evaluation (Self-esteem)

Learners who have self confidence in their abilities are more likely to volunteer for learning. Learners who lack self confidence in their abilities avoid putting themselves to the test of learning. Therefore, they are unlikely to volunteer for learning because they will avoid placing themselves where there is a threat to their sense of self-esteem.

B. Attitudes about education

Learners attitudes about education arise directly from their past experiences and indirectly from the attitudes and experiences of friends and ‘‘significant others.” Negative or positive experiences from early schooling will influence whether a person volunteers for adult education. Also attitudes from reference groups and membership groups will influence positive or negative attitudes towards further education, (e.g., the experiences of co-workers).

What are the three possible scenarios when there is a linkage between
A (self-evaluation) and B (attitudes about education)?

1. If there are favorable linkages, there will be a willingness to seek out new learning experiences.
2. If there are no favorable linkages, it is unlikely the learner will volunteer to become an adult learner.
3. If the person is forced/expected to become a learner, there are potentially many problems both for the learner, and the other learners and the instructor

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