certificate in adult education introduction to instruction
section 3

Notes Page for Slide Bloom-9 [BL9]

Synthesis is the ability to put together the elements or parts to form a whole that did not clearly exist before. The product is drawn from many sources and is more than what originally existed. It is the ability to draw upon elements from many sources and put these together into a structure or pattern not clearly there before.

This is a creative process because the whole is new to the learner and is obtained by combining earlier knowledge and understanding with new to produce a unique communication, a plan, set of operations, or a set of abstract relations.

Important features of synthesis includes the completeness and size of the task and the uniqueness and originality required for the complete product.

This process consists of

Using ideas to create something that is original Putting together the new
Combining information into a whole. Engaging in creative thinking

Synthesis includes:

Producing a unique communication. Producing a plan or set of operations
Producing a set of abstract relations

Examples of synthesis are:

  • advertisements,
  • cartoons,
  • poems,
  • plays,
  • concept
  • mapping,
  • murals,
  • new products and
  • creating abstracts.

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