certificate in adult education introduction to instruction
section 3

Notes Page for Slide Bloom-8 [BL8]

Analysis includes the identification of the parts, analysis of the relationships between parts, and recognition of the organizational principles involved.

Analysis includes:

Analysis of elements:

  • Ability to recognize unstated assumptions. Ability to distinguish facts from hypotheses
  • Ability to distinguish statements of fact from value judgments
  • Ability to distinguish conclusions from the facts that support them (hypotheses, facts, opinions, assumptions, biases, value statements, conclusion, examples, evidence).

Analysis of relationships

  • Ability to identify the relationships between hypothesis and evidence.
  • Ability to identify conclusions and hypothesis
  • Ability to identify consistency of one part to another part. Ability to identify the relevance of parts to central idea
  • Ability to identify the interrelationships among the ideas in a message
  • Ability to distinguish cause and effect relationships from other sequential relationships
  • Ability to detect logical fallacies in arguments
  • Ability to distinguish relevant from irrelevant statements

Analysis of organizational principles

  • Ability to infer points of view and patterns (form, structure) Ability to infer, e.g., an author's values (point of view, bias) as reflected in his/her work
  • Ability to see the techniques used in persuasive communications such as advertising or propaganda.

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