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March 16, 2011

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Twitter views & news 0
John Larkin, Weblog, March 16, 2011.

If you haven't kept up to date with resources for using Twitter in education, this site lists a bunch of them for you.

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Turn Your iPad 1 or 2 into an Interactive Whiteboard
Tim Tyson, Practical Practice, March 16, 2011.

I love stuff like this. "I'm talking about using the iPad as a control surface to actually control your computer desktop, write on your computer desktop, and project all of that in front of the classroom just as a regular interactive whiteboard does. The only difference: no interactive whiteboard is needed, and you can do this wirelessly using the first generation iPad as well as the second, and that's correct, without tethering your iPad to the projector or the computer with wires." Four videos (or slideshows, or something; they didn't play on Chrome).

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Technology Enhanced Boundary Objects and Visualising Data
Graham Attwell, Pontydysgu, March 16, 2011.

Interesting concept. "Boundary objects" are "objects that both inhabit several communities of practice and satisfy the informational requirements of each of them." Thus technology enhanced boundary objects (TEBO?) are those that use technology to share ideas across communities.

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Digital Textbooks Reaching the Tipping Point in the U.S. Higher Education - A Revised Five-Year Projection
Rob Reynolds, The Xplanation, March 16, 2011.

Good report from Rob Reynolds projecting dramatically increasing sales of digital textbooks. Though digital textbooks currently represent only 3 percent of the market (up from 1.5 percent the year before), "over the next 5 years, digital textbook sales in the United States will surpass 25% of combined new textbook sales for the Higher Education and Career Education markets. Moreover, we expect digital to be the dominant form factor in Higher Education textbooks inside of 7 years." Also worth noting at the end of the report is the observation that "Once e-textbook sales reach 13%, however, the financial model breaks down significantly as digital textbooks are no longer incremental and, instead, actually begin to cannibalize print sales deeply." This is the basis for a prediction that publisher revenues will begin to be increasingly derived from services.

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