Stephen Carson - Downes on OER Sustainability - OpenFiction
Some commentary and correction regarding my observations about MIT's OpenCourseWare contained in my recent paper on sustainable open educational resources. Some good observations, too: "no project can really sustain the costs of producing 'reusable' materials, even assuming they could determine what that meant... So the path to sustainable projects seems to lie in getting as many materials onto the web in as close a state to that of their original use as is possible." [
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OLDaily on February 9, 2006 at 4:45 p.m..
Christopher D. Sessums - Risky Business: Teachers and Pedagogical Change - Christopher D. Sessums :: Weblog
When I read about resistance to technological change, I frequently see it couched in terms of fear, as in this article. I think that's a myth - the image of people, including teachers, cowering from growth and development because they're afraid of change doesn't sit well with me, and doesn't reflect the experiences I've had talking with them. To say people are afraid to change, it seems to me, is really to say that you can't really explain the advantages of the change you're proposing, and so it's somehow their fault. It isn't, you know. [
OLDaily on February 9, 2006 at 4:45 p.m..
Chris Lehmann - Incremental Change - Practical Theory
Tom Hoffman writes that "expecting bloggers to change things quickly is a little unrealistic" and Christian Long observes, "I'm not sure when the rule was laid down that any blogging -- whether it be about education or technology or some wonderful hybrid or about collectors of guinea pigs or whatever your bag of raisins -- that it had to change the world on any level." In this article, Chris Lehmann takes the view that Hoffman and Long are right to recommend patience. "We are changing things. Slowly... incrementally... one school... one classroom... one district at a time. And we are doin From
OLDaily on February 9, 2006 at 4:45 p.m..
Albert Ip - Information, Language, Knowledge and Connectedness - Random Walk in E-Learning
Albert Ip commentss on my discussion with George Siemens on subjectivity and objectivity. I'll leave my commentary until he finishes his piece, but I will observe at this juncture that his use of words like 'information' and 'knowledge' is very different from mine - dramatically different. This, for example: "I will use the word 'information' to represent everything external to me." This is not remotely how I would define 'information' - my usage is more similar, I think, to writers like Dretske (Knowledge and the Flow of Information). [
OLDaily on February 9, 2006 at 4:45 p.m..