Summarily dooced
Lisa Williams points to a friend who was fired from DeVry University in Westminster, Colorado, for what she had written in her blog. They didn't warn her, nor did they tell her what they found so offensive. That sucks. [Tags: blogs dooce]... From
Joho the Blog on December 27, 2005 at 6:48 p.m..
Dann Siems - Intelligent Design Honors Council Lecture - Worldview V
I enjoyed this concept map on intelligent design (be sure to click on the little concept map icons for more maps). What's nice is that the contemporary debate has been placed into a sociological and historical concept, including even a reference to Hume's refutation of the teleological argument (as a long time Hume devotee, this makes me happy). Via From
OLDaily on December 27, 2005 at 5:45 p.m..
Christian Long - Blog-Connecting to David Gurteen & Knowledge Cafes - think:lab
I have been thinking about the concept of 'community of communities' recently (as opposed to the mass-market concept of communities fostered by sites such as Technorati) and the question of how knowledge and ideas flow through such a distributed network. And it's like this, via connectors from one community to the next. And just so, this post from Christian Long connects me to the From
OLDaily on December 27, 2005 at 5:45 p.m..
Dave Warlick - What's it all For? - 2 cents Worth
I ask myself "what's it all for" on something like a daily basis (I am always questioning myself, my motives, and my objectives) and so this short item gets to the heart of what we do. And the response - "to prepare children [or people] for the future" - doesn't satisfy. As Marco Polo asks, "When has mankind ever been ready for the future?" The problem with this isn't with the 'future' (after all, all our efforts are future-directed) or even 'mankind' (though it would be more inclusive to use the word 'humanity'). It's with the word 'prepa From
OLDaily on December 27, 2005 at 5:45 p.m..
Krishna Kumar - Democracy, Modernity, and the Indian Child - The Hindu
"I was born in Catherine Booth Hospital in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on April 6, 1959, the first son of Bernard and Beverly Downes." Thus begins my biography. I feel fortunate to have grown up in an environment where learning and independence are of value. "The role of education is to make the child reflective and articulate, and to achieve this goal education does not have to start from scratch. Children are endowed to think: our job is to build on their innate capacity by giving it an opportunity to flourish." This should be the right of every child, and to not have to depend on where you wer From
OLDaily on December 27, 2005 at 5:45 p.m..
Comments Off
Sorry, but the popularity and intelligence of the conversations here has - perhaps predictably - brought some less-than-balanced people out of the woodwork. While I do trust everyone here to be able to scroll through or ignore such posts, there are students and other younger people visiting this site and I don't want to confuse them or unnecessarily replicate negative thought though my own mediaspace. Plus, this site has been marked for censorship by the various cyber-filters out there (for its frank discussion of topic like God and drug use), which makes it particularly hard for highscho From on December 27, 2005 at 4:45 p.m..
Hanukkah - Still crazy after all these years
As a little Hanukkah present, here's a little excerpt from
Nothing Sacred, my 2003 book on Judaism.Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of light, is usually recounted as the story of how the Maccabees, the first generation of the Hasmonean Jewish dynasty, fought to reclaim the Holy Temple from the anti-Semitic Greeks. After the Maccabbees won the war, they came upon a tiny amount of oil in the holy temple lamp, but it miraculously lasted for eight days.We don From on December 27, 2005 at 4:45 p.m..
BubbleShare: A Very Interesting Photo Sharing Tool
This album is powered by BubbleShare - Add to my blog BubbleShare: Upload Photos: BubbleShare is a social networking photo sharing site that has a number of interesting features.... You can send this link to fire is a link to your gallery, the other a link to an adminstrative interface where you can access a number of features including adding captions and titles, the ability to add audio captions, add or delete photos, and rearrange your photos. From
Education/Technology - Tim Lauer on December 27, 2005 at 1:49 p.m..
College and University Feed Directory
The Thomson Peterson's directory provides a categorized collection of rss and atom feeds from higher education institutions; major categories include Blogs, Journals, Libraries, Podcasts, Research Centers, and Technology. The collection's feed titles and descriptions are searchable to facilitate locating useful feeds. See also the parallel blog
Syndication in Higher Education that tracks "emerging practice in RSS, podcasting, and blogging on Higher Ed websites." _____JH _______ From
EduResources--Higher Education Resources Online on December 27, 2005 at 1:47 p.m..
Boxer on Iraq
Terrific speech by Sen. Boxer last week. [Tags: iraq BarbaraBoxer]... From
Joho the Blog on December 27, 2005 at 11:48 a.m..
Computers Still Dominate Chess - Reuters
Computers may have gotten better at chess, but human players can still find chinks in their defense, the world chess champion says. Just don't try to break them down psychologically. Ever since IBM's Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov -- retired champion and r From
Techno-News Blog on December 27, 2005 at 12:49 a.m..
Everyone Will Need One by 2009 - ELISABETH LEAMY, ABC News
Unless you take steps to prevent it, your TV set will go black about three years from now. The Senate is expected to vote this week on a bill to force broadcasters to abandon their analog signals and switch to digital by February 17, 2009. That means any From
Techno-News Blog on December 27, 2005 at 12:49 a.m..