End of the year drift
Not sure why I currently find it so hard to put into writing what is occupying my waking hours. The last few weeks have been rather intense. Loads of conversations, arguments, and encounters... not a lot of sleep, poor health, and a general feeling of always being behind on something. On the other hand, some things slowly seem to fall into place... so, let's focus on the bright sight of life for a moment:I quite enjoyed the From
Seblogging News on December 18, 2005 at 8:50 p.m..
2005 Winners Announced
We’ve just had the awards ceremony over at
EdTechTalk… in fact I’m sneaking out of the post-awards party to post this.
Full details are available here, I’ll post better later. Well done to everyone! OK - those winners in full. If you weren’t able to make an acceptance speech (or even if you were) please do feel free to mail in a paragraph and/or a link to a post on your blog about your win! We took a total of 3268 votes this year. From
Seblogging News on December 18, 2005 at 7:48 p.m..
Congratulations to Stephen!
I just want to send my heartfelt congratulations to
Stephen Downes for being chosen the best individual edblogger in this year's
EdBlogger Awards. The service he provides to this community day in day out is not only remarkable, it's inspiring. The quality of the content that he finds and his succinct way of providing context has helped me learn so very much, and it's an honor to have been nominated next to him. Congratulations too to all of the other winners; it's nice to see this com From
weblogged News on December 18, 2005 at 6:45 p.m..
See You Next Year
I'm going off blog for a couple of weeks. I need a break, and I have many things to think blogging future included. 2005 has been a great year. Here's hoping 2006 will be even better. Best wishes for safe, healthy and happy holidays, and my sincere thanks for your continued interest and support. Will (Photo courtesy
Todd Klassy and
C From weblogged News on December 18, 2005 at 6:45 p.m..
Podcast on tagging
Martijn de Waal has posted a podcast of an interview with me from a couple of months ago. The podcast is about tagging 'n' stuff. It's on Martijn's new Dutch site on the future of journalism. (I haven't listened to the podcast, and preemptively renounce everything I might have said.) [Tags: tagging taxonomy EverythingIsMiscellaneous]... From
Joho the Blog on December 18, 2005 at 4:48 p.m..
The Academic Commons
I've been tracking the Academic Commons for a number of months and I'm pleased to see that it seems to be surviving and expanding as a meeting place for those in higher education with an interest in educational technologies. I recommend that others visit the Commons to see what it offers. ______JH ___________ "With Academic Commons, we seek to form a community of faculty, academic technologists, librarians, administrators, and other academic professionals who will help create a comprehensive web resource focused on liberal arts education. Academic Commons aims From
EduResources--Higher Education Resources Online on December 18, 2005 at 2:45 p.m..
You are what you read
According to, a senior at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth was visited by the feds after he requested a copy of Mao's little red book via inter-library loan. The agents said that the book was on a "watch list." They brought the book with them but would not leave it with the student. Ah, books on watch lists. Visits by federal agents. University research under the all-comprehending eye of government bureaucrats. Thomas Jefferson would have been proud! [Tags: HomelandSecurity security libraries]... From
Joho the Blog on December 18, 2005 at 11:47 a.m..
The Blog Tango
Darren Kuroptawa has put together an
extremely engaging in-service on teaching with blogs, RSS and the like that should serve as a model to all of us. It's all about building a learning ecology in the classroom that supports the small pieces model, where students become self-directed learners using a variety of tools and techniques. An ecology is an environment that fosters and supports the creation of communities ... A learning ecology is an environment that is consistent with (not antagonistic to) how learners learn ... The In From
weblogged News on December 18, 2005 at 10:45 a.m..
The Knowledge Revolution
Ich bin in diesen Tagen viel mit dem Zug unterwegs, in der Regel eingedeckt mit Arbeit und Lesestoff, der mich problemlos von Flensburg bis Passau auslasten würde. Aber wenn ich dann am jeweiligen Bahnhof ankomme, laufe ich doch zielstrebig... From on December 18, 2005 at 6:46 a.m..
U.S. Tech Industry Healthy, Analyst Says - PC World
The U.S. technology industry has recovered from a recession of 2001 and 2002 and is about as healthy as it's been in three years, according to a new tech sector economic index released Monday. A steady climb in several tech industry metrics between 2003 a From
Techno-News Blog on December 18, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..
IBM woos start-ups - Dawn Kawamoto, CNET News
IBM on Tuesday unveiled a specially tailored cross-licensing program for venture capitalists and their start-ups, as it seeks to populate emerging businesses with its technology. Under the IBM Ventures in Collaboration program, venture capital firms and t From
Techno-News Blog on December 18, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..